🌶 麻藥雞蛋 Mayak Eggs韓式麻藥雞蛋做法非常簡單,半熟糖心蛋配上充滿香氣的辣味醬汁,令人一吃成癮、欲罷不能!The Korean-style spicy marinated egg is very simple to make. The soft boiled egg is served with a spicy sauce full of aroma, which is super delicious and addictive!🥣 材料 Ingredients:• 雞蛋 Eggs• 蔥 Scallion• 洋蔥 Onion• 蒜頭 Garlic Cloves• 辣椒 Chili• 白砂糖 White Sugar• 醬油 Soy Sauce• 冷開水 Water• 白芝麻 Sesame• 麻油 Sesame Oil 🌍食譜:https://bit.ly/3yNpGbb_____________________________________________懶人廚房 Lazy Cook's Recipes🎦 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/lazycookrecipes📕 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2yNuLUl📸 Instagram: https://bit.ly/35Vvuiy🥣 食譜網: https://www.lazycookrecipes.com/