諗起豆腐同豬腩片大家會諗起咩菜式呢,今次我同大家分享一個用新推出嘅百福鹽滷豆腐同新界佬新鮮豬腩片做既蠔汁豆腐肉卷。鹽滷豆腐嘅特色係唔會咁易爛,而且亦會比較容易入味,而呢隻新鮮豬肉做出黎嘅成品會更爽口同更有肉味,而且又冇豬肉蘇味。 How do you think about the dishes with tofu and pork belly? I will share a tofu meat roll with oyster sauce and pork belly made with New launch of Nigari Hard Beancurd from Soy Master PAK FOOK and fresh pork belly slices from hong kong pork. The characteristic of Nigari Hard Beancurd is not easy to rot, and it is easier to absorb taste. The dishes made from fresh pork will be more refreshing and meaty, and it does not have a pork soy taste. 材料 Ingredient ------------------------------------------------ 豬腩片 8片 pork belly 8slice 8pcs 鹽滷豆腐 1磚 Nigari Hard Beancurd 1pc 蔥 適量 spring onion 鮮啡菇 4-5粒 Cremini Mushroom 4-5pcs 獻汁 Sauce ------------------------------------------------ 蠔油2湯匙 Oyster Sauce 2 Tbsp 生抽1湯匙 Soy Sauce 1 Tbsp 砂糖1/2 茶匙 Sugar 1/2 tsp 鹽1/8 茶匙 Salt 1/8 tsp 紹酒1茶匙 Shaoxing wine 1 tsp 黑椒粉 1/4茶匙 Black Pepper 1/4 tsp 水 1/2杯 Water 1/2 cup 做法 ------------------------------------------------ 1. 豆腐切成長條狀,一半蔥斜切絲,冬菇切片備用。 2. 一半蔥卷起切絲放入凍水備用。 3. 把豬腩片舖好,加入鹽及胡椒調味 4. 放上豆腐,冬菇及蔥並卷起。 5. 加入蠔油、生抽、老抽、砂糖、鹽、黑椒粉、紹興酒及水攪勻。 6. 鑊加入油,把肉卷開口處先向下煎。 7. 慢慢四面煎至上色夾起。 8. 放入肉卷吸味,夾起肉卷。 9. 如未夠濃稠可加少許生粉水。 10. 把蠔油獻倒到豆腐卷上 11. 最後放上蔥絲裝飾完成。 1.Firstly, drain the Cremini Mushroom and cut the root, then cut them into thin slices. Remove the spring onions top and the ends, partly cut diagonally into slices, 2. Nigari Hard Beancurd take it out, cut into pieces and then cut into strips. 3. Others rolled into the canal and cut straight and put in frozen water for decoration. 4. Spread the belly and a little salt and black pepper. Put on Nigari Hard Beancurd strips, Cremini Mushroom slices, and some spring onions. Roll up the tofu meat roll. 5. make the sauce, mix 2 tablespoons oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon Shaoxing wine and 1/2 cup water. 6. Add a little oil on the pan, pork belly will release oil when frying them. Put the meat rolls opening down toward to the pan with gentle heat until they have maillard reaction on all sides and then pick them up. 7. Add sauce and boil it, then put the tofu meat roll to absorb the flavor. 8. After 1-2 minutes, pick up the tofu meat rolls. Add a bit of dark soy sauce to deepen the sauce color. If the sauce is not thick enough, you can add some cornstarch water. 9. Finally add the oyster sauce to the tofu meat rolls. Decorate with the spring onions.