Trick or treat!Halloween this year is looking a little different due to covid restrictions, and many of Holly's celebrations have been cancelled, but that doesn't mean the fun stops there! KNH Medical Masks have Halloween prints on their multi-layered 3D masks made for long comfort wear, and the best part of all is their national certifications for their protective and preventative qualifications. Let's stay safe this Halloween! Which print do you like? the kids one or the adult versions? Let us know in the comments below!不給糖,就搗蛋! 因為疫情的關係Holly今年有許多的萬聖節派對被迫延期或取消,即便如此可愛又搞怪的萬聖精神那是絕對不能缺席的!那就跟我們一起戴上這最鬼馬的口罩來烘托過節氣氛! ”KNH-康乃馨立體醫療口罩萬聖節限定款” 讓妳及你的寶貝成為路上最受矚目的那顆橘黑之星! 🎭 多層複合結構過濾病菌、防塵、隔臭層層把關!細小灰塵微粒都幫你擋住!👻 3D立體造型配戴更服貼緊密,防護力佳!👹 寬版不織布彈性耳帶柔軟有彈性 長時間配戴超輕鬆! 擁有這些超棒特色的康乃馨口罩,還是有國家認證的口罩國家隊的優秀代表!讓一家人都能安心使用的優質口罩就在這裡!成人款有白南瓜及黑白南瓜兩種超美設計讓妳隨時都超IN,另外還有兒童專用的可愛紫南瓜款,讓妳隨時都好看!與我們一起戴上口罩歡度佳節!#康乃馨萬聖節立體醫療口罩#康那香Baby好馨情#康那香女人馨事#康那香#KNH #哈囉喂#萬聖節#口罩#糖果#大好物#halloweenmask#cutegirls#trickortreating#halloween#fall2021