You may remember that a while back, I was chosen to be one of Duncan Hines’ Passionate Bloggers. Recently, I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days touring the facilities at Duncan Hines and learning some tips and tricks from their chefs. Joining me on the trip were a group of bloggers, recipe contest winners, and the winners of the Passionate Bloggers’ trip giveaways. All together, there were 43 of us there to enjoy the fun48 volt dc motor . We kicked things off with cocktails followed by a wonderful dinner. After dinner, we got to sample the desserts that won the Frosting Creations recipe contest. Oh, my. There were so many great ones, and I sampled as many as I could. Such delicious, creative desserts like Neapolitan Fudgeamway probiotics . The next day as we arrived at Pinnacle Foods, we were greeted with our very own red carpet, complete with balloons and a star bearing each of our names. We each located our stars and, of course, posed with them for photos. I knew we were going to have a great day after such a warm welcome tax in china. We toured the facilities, where we got glimpses into their labs to see how the magic happens. We learned about all of Pinnacle’s products, such as Comstock and Vlasic. I loved that the walls of one of their meeting rooms are lined with shelves full of their products.