Using article submissions software and services makes building your business much easier than in the old days. You can get repeat visitors, which eventually can lead to more sales for you, if you provide interesting information. Writing and submitting articles has been a popular way to create traffic and sales now for several years. You write an article and then you let them submit your article to tens and tens of directories all over the world wide web.In the old days you used to have to manually submit your articles to various article directories, which was time-consuming and tough to do if you had a full-time job as well as your Internet business.By using an autoresponder you can set up a series of prewritten emails that automatically reply back to your subscribers.In summary, these cool tools make building a work from home business opportunity much easier than it used to be years ago. Start a blog.For example, you can go to Blogger. Today there is various article submission software and service providers that can speed the process up. In this article let's talk about how to build your work at home business opportunity by taking advantage of a few marketing tools that will really simplify your life.This is easy to do and you can join an auto responder program for under $20 a month.This is one of the coolest tools available for a work from home business opportunity because it allows you to create links back to your website very quickly for a small amount of work. Blogging is quickly becoming a way of life on the Internet for successful home business owners.Because of the many cool tools available to you today, building a home business is easier than it used to be. Use an autoresponder for lead capture and follow-up. You can also send e-mails whenever you feel is necessary and the larger your list becomes the more opportunities you have to make sales to it. Because you can start a blog for free and then use it to create visitors and sales for your product, it's very easy to work from home and blog. By placing a sign-up form on your website or blog people can request more information from you that you are more than happy to provide to them. They are owned by Google and provide an excellent opportunity for you to post your thoughts about working at home and owning a home business.1.2. Smart Internet marketers use auto responders to capture name and e-mail addresses, and then follow up with their subscribers, because many people require several exposures to an opportunity, before they will join.This also provides you the possibility to work in the information about your opportunity in a passive way, by including links to it in the articles that you post.