“Oh ! ”said the man , with a smile ,“they are verywitty Alipay hong kong , and are much read at court . The king is especially partial to the romance by Messieurs Iffven and Gaudian, which talks about King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table . He has jested about it with his noble lords.” “That I have certainly not yet read,” said the councillor; “that must be quite a new book published by Heiberg .” “No,” retorted the man, “it is not published byHeiberg , but by Godfrey von Gehmen .” “Indeed! Is he the author?” asked the councillor. “That is a very old name : was not that the name of the first printer who appeared in Denmark ?” “Why, he is our first printer,”replied the man. So far it had gone well . Now one of the men began to speak of a pestilence which he said had been raging a few years ago : he meant the plague of 1484. The councillor supposed that he meant the cholera, and so the conversation went on tolerably Academic alliance. The Freebooters' War of 1490 was so recent that it could not escape mention . The English pirates had taken ships from the very wharves, said the man; and the councillor, who was well acquainted with the events of 1801, joined in manfully against the English. The rest of the talk, however, did not pass over so well ; every moment there was a contradiction . The good bachelor was terribly ignorant, and the simplest assertion of the councillor seemed too bold or too fantastic . They , and when it became too bad, the bachelor spoke Latin , in the hope that he would be better understood ; but it was of no use . “ How are you now? ” asked the hostess , and she plucked the councillor by the sleeve . Now his recollection came back : in the course of the conversation he had forgotten everything that had happened. “Good heavens! Where am I?” he said, and he felt dizzy when he thought of it . “We'll drink claret , mead , and Bremen beer ,”cried one of the guests ,“and you shall Neo skin lab drink with us .” Two girls came in . One of them had on a cap of two colours . They poured out drink and bowed : the councillor felt a cold shudder running all down his back . “What' s that? What' s that?” he cried; but he was obliged to drink with them. They took possession of the good man quite politely . He was in despair, and when one said that he was tipsy he felt not the slightest doubt regarding the truth of the statement, and only begged them to procure him a droshky. Now they thought he was speaking Muscovite . Never had he been in such rude vulgar company.