我們於2014年自駕遊南法。 在計劃行程時,法國朋友千叮萬囑我們現在是去旅行,所以不用貪快全部選行高速公路 (即"A" ROAD)! 他建議我們有時可以行 "D" 或 "N" ROAD ,這樣除了不用付路費,沿途更可欣賞美麗的風景,可能還會有驚喜。 南法有很多白馬,原本想在 Camargue 偶遇白馬,看看白馬在海邊奔馳,最終無緣碰見。幸好由Camargue 去 Arles, 我們行的是 "D" ROAD,果真有驚喜! 因為我們遇到法國白馬 Camargue horse,不但可以近距離影相 ,還可以餵白馬,我們一家都好興奮! 見到喜歡的地方或動物,可以立即停下來玩一陣,這確是自駕遊的最大好處! 呢3隻白馬擺哂pose 比我影相,好型呀! 其實一開始白馬離我們很遠,當我們走近圍欄時,白馬也慢慢走近我們,完全唔驚人。 我抱住鄔BB同白馬Say Hi 。鄔BB對白馬好有興趣,白馬也很友善。 鄔爸教鄔BB餵白馬! 鄔BB即刻落地執一些長草準備餵馬馬! Camargue horse: ref link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camargue_horse http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2765293/Just-horsing-Fascinating-photos-reveal-extremely-rare-moment-white-Camargue-horses-race-France-s-Rhone-River.html French road infomation: ref link: http://www.franceforfamilies.com/travel-options/driving/french-roads Motorways/Autoroutes bear the prefix ‘A’. Most are toll roads and are marked by blue signs, although autoroute sections through cities are normally toll free. The free autoroutes are marked by green signs. Be prepared at the beginning of toll sections to take the ticket which records where you entered the toll road and then to pay when leaving the toll section at the “peage”. It’s worth having some small denominations of Euros available for this – usually credit cards are acceptable although from time to time we have experienced problems in getting them authorised. When driving on autoroutes you need to be aware that lane discipline is much more strictly followed in France. If you don’t pull into the inside lane when there is space you will find angry French drivers very close on your tail with their left indicator flashing – their way of saying “ get out of the way stupid Englishman”! Main roads in France, designated Route Nationale or “N” roads, can be acceptable for long journeys as an alternative to toll roads. Of course you can’t travel as fast, but they are often straight and un-crowded and are a nice alternative to monotonous toll roads. Minor roads are classed as ‘D’ roads. Sometimes they can be quite acceptable routes when travelling in a locality, especially in busy areas such as the Dordogne or Côte D’Azur. But they are not to be recommended for travelling long distances. Sometimes the French road numbers can be confusing, especially where you see two or even three road numbers on the same sign. A common one is to get an “A” and an “E” number on the same sign, for example the A18-E402. A18 is the French autoroute number, E402 is the road this becomes heads into another European country. Less common, but more confusing is where roads join and numbers combine temporarily, for example you may see road number A15-N14-D55. This would mean that these roads all follow the same route at this point, so if you’re following the N14, you’re still on the right road.