But real sheepskin rugs and products are just that, an investment. Therefore, your skin will not breathe as comfortably as it would with real sheepskin.There are many reasons why people often choose fake fur over real fur, but despite the difference in price, it's much better to have real sheepskin rugs and products. On a similar note, fake fur is not a natural material. If you wear fake fur, except a not-so pleasant experience. So whether you own sheepskin rugs or hats, you can rest assured they will last years and will not cause a furry mess in your home. Fake fur will most likely get damaged, or at the very least will keep you wet and uncomfortable. Sheepskin is also naturally tough, another reason why it will last for a very long time and with minimal care. Natural materials will feel natural! If you're wearing sheepskin products during the winter time, they will do an excellent job of keeping you dry during rain and snow storms. It is water-resistant, which Textiles polyester bonded fleece fabric is a big plus during the winter time. It is embedded into the leather. Real sheepskin, simply put, offers many more advantages and wouldn't you rather own the "real deal" than opt for faux? The big disadvantage of fake sheepskin rugs is that it is not nearly as warm or insulting as real fur. Those same properties will still apply even when the fur has been taken from the sheep. This actually applies to any fur or leather products. You truly do get what you pay for and you will enjoy nothing but the best when you choose real sheepskin over faux products. They do cost a considerable amount more, but as you can see they are 100% worth the extra money. Isn't the whole point of owning fur to keep you warm, or cool in the summer? Sheepskin products are incredibly luxurious and soft. Think about it. Sheepskin wool does not shed because it's attached tot he skin, as opposed to to being woven and brushed up. A sheep's body temperature needs to regulated in order to keep the sheep alive and well. With so many benefits, it's difficult to understand why someone wouldn't make the investment. Besides being water-resistant, real sheepskin is also static-free, flame-resistant, and wind proof -making it truly the perfect item to have year round.. They do an excellent job of keeping in the warmth during the winter and they actually stay cool in the summer, believe it or not. Faux fur is also notorious for shedding, pretty much everywhere.