I was sent this link (Apology From A Bush Voter) by a poster at Aloha Daze. In short, its a talk show host in Los Angeles who says that he voted for Bush in 2000, but decided by 2004 that hed chosen poorly, and didnt vote for Bush again in 2004. His reasons being pretty much every talking point of the left wing liberal moonbat party.I wasnt going to post a reply to that moonbats rant but I just couldnt help myself. So. Heres my reply rant.Ok, I read McIntyres post. Dont know why I read it. Its the same thing that left wing moonbats have been saying for the last year or two.Peter David, writer of lots of stuff, is a big liberal. Hell happily tell you as much. (Im associated with Peter by way of Space Cases, a TV show that Peter co-created with Billy Mumy. I maintain the website for the show that ran in the 90s on Nickelodeon. )Peter is good people, and I respect him greatly for his work. But Peter has stated *many* times on his website [peterdavid.net] that Bush is terrible, lousy, inept, etc. etc. and that we should impeach him NOW. A majority of fans and others that leave comments on his blog are highly liberal too. This makes anything I say on his site target of a flame war, usually aimed directly at me. (When its not aimed at people like you. i.e. Bush supporters; conservatives; Republicans.)When Ive challenged opinions with facts, I get a dozen folks yelling at me [in text form of course], and half of those are cussing me out, because Im an idiot for backing Bush, since hes the worst President in the history of our nation.When I argue that Bush is a target because hes trying to tackle impossibly tough issues, I get yelled at. When I point out that the only thing I can remember Clinton tackling was Monica, I get yelled at. When I point out that we were attacked 3 times by al-Qaeda under Clinton, we failed to respond appropriately, and we received 9/11 as a gift to the new administration, I get yelled at.Moonbats on the left arent interested in war, and theyre not interested in facts. Theyre interested in taking back power of the government that they believe rightly belongs to them. Remember: 2000 and 2004 presidential elections were rigged; Dems should have won. Republicans stole the elections. Twice!Left wingers are still causing problems for Bush and his administration. Just take note of all the leaks coming out of the CIA. Want to know why the big yelling and screaming about having Gen. Hayden posted in charge of the CIA? Its not his lack of leadership; both sides agree that hes a strong leader. But the left knows that the CIA has leaks that are causing great trouble for the Bush administration, and theyre concerned that Hayden is going to clean house. And he very likely is.McIntyre says that Bush Lied , and that hes been lying. Bullchips. No WMDs? Guess not. But since only Saddam and his brothers knew that they didnt have any, and the rest of the world thought they did, Bronze Bushings Factory you cant blame Bush. Nothingto do with al-Qaeda? The country of Iraq was a training ground for the terrorist organization. Hurricane Katrina? WHAT? Its a friggin hurricane! Blame the inept Mayor Nagin that left all those school buses unused which then became flooded.. or blame Governor Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, who waited 48 hours after Bush called her and said, please request help, before she actually did call and request federal help. FEMA certainly didnt win any awards for their response, but there was plenty of blame to go around, starting at the local level. Even if FEMA failed, how does that make Bush responsible? Is he supposed to do everything by himself?Im sorry, but McIntyre is just another example of a left wing moonbat. Maybe hes not a left winger, but hes repeating their speeches practically word for word. He and Cindy Sheehan should go make appearances together.