Developed by Playtonic Games, a group of Animal Crossing Bells former important personnel from Rare, Yooka-Laylee is a spiritual successor to the Banjo-Kazooie show released for the Nintendo 64 nearly 20 years prior. After years of planning to develop a new game, Playtonic Games pioneered a Kickstarter campaign that attracted significant media coverage and increased within a record-breaking GB#two million.I know what it is, I've played it. There are some aspects that I like, but there are far more I don't it's also not as creative or full of personality like the first in my opinion. Also, was not it developed by Playtonic?The N64 also didn't have as much games since the PS1. Thus, it feels like every N64 owner has a particular connection because they have played the same games. Also, what is wrong with me liking games that everyone else enjoys? I've some underrated N64 games that I enjoy, too. I simply didn't want to mention a lot of games.I had been speaking about this sub. Additionally, I know that you did not ask, but the rationale as to why Nintendo isn't very popular here is due to the fact that most people don't even know they still make games, they think that they make shitty games for infants, or they believe these bootleg Mario games on line are actual Nintendo games. Also, Nintendo goods are very expensive here, and Nintendo ceased selling their products in Turkey following a year (I think) the 3DS came out, and returned with the Change in late 2018. Everyone understands that it exists, it's simply not popular. (N64 and Gamecube aren't) But as I said, people believe that Nintendo did not create a system after those. Additionally, most people here think that realistic graphics make a game good. I used to get laughed at for liking Nintendo at Animal Crossing Items For Sale school, but those children started enjoying it, too.