Dont you want to reward this person for his/her action? Will he or she be pleased with a bouquet of freshly cut flowers?Here are the steps, which will help you to make an edible bouquet:1.00. (One block probably costs around $1. Insert them into the green foam starting in the center and circling outward with varying colors/flavors to make it more colored. For example:EDIBLE BOUQUETS for THE MAN or WOMAN (WHO HAS GIVEN UP SMOKING)Imagine that the person you may want to reward has everything. When you get back home, try to fill one half of the vase with one half of the lollipops.50.)5. Take a bag of the lollipops that your friend adores for example Tootsie Pops®, Dum Dums®, etc. The edible bouquet will consist of lollypops. Get out and go to a store where you can buy a lovely glass vase for a couple of dollars. (I even managed to find a hand blown vase for $4. (This will not cost more than a few dollars. Imagine that this person has just necktie case Suppliers quit smoking.4. It must look like a bed of green grass.I heard about this gift idea recently but I realized that it was not new at all. You can also find this foam in some grocery stores. Go to the Florists and ask for a green, malleable foam block used by florists to arrange flowers with. You are going to arrange the edible bouquet into a vase.) They will make the edible bouquet look lovely. It has just left to present the unique and edible bouquet to its recipient!.). Then, arrange the other half of the lollypops.2.). When I was a child, my grandmother used to buy a bag of pops and a large pumpkin. (May be this will cost less than a dollar.Another great idea of edible bouquets usage is as a reward for some deserving action.7. The next step is to cut the green foam so that it fits tightly in the vase's neck.8. Wrap the ribbon around the neck of the vase, adding a big bow and this will make the edible bouquets look finished.6. Because of this now, he or she is always with a lollypop in her/his mouth. I remembered some sweet memories. take a couple in case you need more. Then, she would push the pops into and all over the pumpkin in order to make a jack-o-lantern with sweet hair.3. Try to find and buy cheap but fancy bow or ribbons