your good friend! In today's article, we will learn how to choose the best LED grow lights for your plants-whether it is for ornamental plant cultivation or for growing vegetables and flowering plants completely indoors.With so many plant growth lights on the market, it is really difficult to choose the best light! So, how do you choose the right LED plant grow light to grow plants indoors? When choosing led lights, there are many important factors to consider, let us divide them into 5 parts. And please follow this video to the end. Will try to make it concise and clear without disturbing you too much physical process.1. Is the purpose of buying plants to shine? Plant growth lights or plant lights are artificial light sources that stimulate plant growth. Emits light suitable for photosynthesis. The spectrum is similar to that of the sun. Grow lights are used for gardening, indoor gardening, plant propagation, seed germination, indoor food production-especially for those who do not have enough sunlight, indoor hydroponic gardening and growing aquatic plants. These are some of the cheaper options you can find online on Amazon. Most of them are cheap products without any warranty or proper specifications. If you want to grow indoor plants that require very little light, you can use these options. However, since there is no warranty, you need to take your own risk, and you don't know how long the warranty will last. The price of these bulbs ranges from US$5 for a 5-watt bulb to US$30 for this bulb. model. But the light intensity and quality of the photons they emit is too low, and you may need multiple lights too close to the plant, which is actually difficult. The best option is to buy high-quality and reliable plant growth lights to get light from VANQ at least as much as VANQ GLMX480. This is a very reliable company that has been in the LED lighting business for 11 years. They have many products and models of LED grow light and even tents for different purposes. use. You can check their website I link it in the description below. The installation cost of this powerful 720-watt GLMX480 bulb is approximately $399. It is a led light used for cannabis cultivation.2. Light intensity: This is the most important factor. It only represents the amount of light emitted by the bulb. We will not involve physics or science. But to make a decision on this, check the manufacturer’s recommended footprint to understand the area. Square feet are covered by this light. For example, this GLMX480 model covers 3 x 3 feet during the flowering period and 4 x 4 feet during the vegetative period, approximately 18 inches and 24 inches from the source, respectively. If you know some physical knowledge, you should also check the given PPF, PAR diagram and PPE value determined by the manufacturer. Other hints are few: in the middle of the light source, the light is the strongest, and in the light source there is less. The surrounding environment is very tense. Seedlings and seedlings need a cooler light intensity than plants to grow and bloom. Therefore, it can be achieved by increasing the distance between them and the light source or placing seedlings and young plants in the surrounding area.3. Chromatography: Ensure that the correct spectrum is selected according to the stage of the equipment. It is harvested during the vegetative period, flowering period or the entire seedling growth cycle. LED lights have two types of spectrum: directional spectrum and broad spectrum. The blue spectrum is more suitable for vegetables, the red spectrum is more suitable for the flowering period, and some fixtures have an adjustable spectrum, such as only red or blue. This VANQ GLMX480 is a broad-spectrum LED light that works perfectly from seedling to harvesting stage. You only need to use the provided ratchet mechanism to adjust the distance. You can view these multi-color LEDs. Although it may not look bright in the camera, it is actually very bright. This also has a dimming screw. You can further dim the brightness as needed.4. Wattage: or electrical energy in watts. In fact, this does not determine the intensity or quality of light. This will only give you a rough idea of the power of the LED grow light. Models such as GLMX-480 represent 480 watts. Make sure you don’t misunderstand this number. One thing you may need to understand is how many watts are needed for a square area. A coverage area of 1 foot x 1 foot usually requires 30 to 50 watts. The power of a vegetable stand or indoor plant is about 30 watts or less, and about 50 watts per square foot are flowering plants.5. Warranty: 99% LED lights provided by excellent companies will never have any problems, with a service life of up to 50,000 hours. However, you must still choose a company that provides at least one year of warranty.