Small, large, colored, simple or heart-shaped: the Chinese lanterns are an accessory that can personalize your wedding with creativity and suggestion, involving all the guests. Are you afraid that they can undermine the security of the recipients of your marriage participation? Perhaps you are thinking about the risky vitality of the little ones bridesmaid dresses, who will not stand still for a second despite their formal dresses for girls and children. Do not worry, below we have compiled a list of good reasons to organize a throwing of lanterns on your wedding day, without worries! 1. They are easy to use ... really! Despite what one might think, Chinese lanterns are really easy to use. To make them work it will only need a short training for guests and ... a little logic. In fact, first of all you will have to make sure that your guests are on the opposite side to the side towards which the wind blows, taking care that there are no obstacles in the direction in which the lantern will move. We also advise you to hold the lantern by two people, who will take care to open it for good, while another will have the task of lighting the wick. Once the paraffin has set on fire long evening dresses with sleeves, it will be necessary to wait for the lantern to swell and ... go! You can let go and let sincere romantic phrases take shape in your mind during that magical flight. 2. They involve everyone, big and small One of the strengths of using Chinese lanterns at a wedding is their engaging function. All those who have accepted your wedding invitation will be able to mix together to look at the sky, both as spectators and as protagonists.