Very typical is, for example, the so-called tithe head (see the drawing on the right). Iulia Flavia, the only daughter of Emperor Titus, was a model here. The high-haired ladies' dress from an infinite number of little holes was a trendy hairstyle in the Flavian period (69 - 96 AD). The effort for the right hairstyle was - as you can easily guess - partly significant. There were artificial hair-pins, made of gold, silver, bronze or ivory. And who had not been blessed with great curls by birth, could help (if the current fashion demanded) an antique curling iron. The so-called calamistrum was a hollow metal tube, which was heated in ash and thus obtained its curling effect. Anyone who ruined his hair in this way, or could not match the actual fashion with his own hair for other reasons human hair wigs china, took advantage of other tricks. Wigs, for example, were temporary. And wigs were, of course, also a tried and tested variant to meet certain color trends. In the later republic and early imperial age, more and more blonde hair became the beauty ideals (blond had long been considered a "divine" hair color), but now contact with Germanic peoples also caused a blonde mane to become popular. Exactly what you would expect from a hotel, However, the hair was dyed for hair dyes which could not be reached by natural wigs, or in cases where a wig was out of the question. For red, the coloring class Henna was already available at that time. The formula for the colorant for black hair was a little more needed. This consisted, as one can read, chiefly from rotten leeches, which had been inserted for sixty days in a sealed vessel of wine and vinegar.