Buying a high specification, second hand mobility scooter could cost you as much as buying a cheap, new one. The advantage is basically that you are getting a more expensive scooter at a great price. It is worth considering that a well-maintained scooter is possibly better than one that is new and untested, although if you are buying new then the reputation of the retailer you buy it from can also give you confidence as to the quality of the scooter that they recommend. There are various questions that you need to think about before buying any piece of mobility scooter, whether it is old or new:Is it a necessity?Why do I need one?Can I enjoy life properly without one?Yes, you may be able to enjoy your life without a scooter, but that may be limited due to lack of mobility. So the assumption is that it is a necessity, for the simple fact that it allows you to live a normal life-or something quite close to it.So we know that second hand mobility scooters are a worthy long term investment for the disabled and the elderly but it is usually advisable to go for a new one; similar to a car usually gives more mileage. Unfortunately not everyone can afford a brand new scooter and paying 750 pounds or more may seem a little too steep. Fortunately, many second hand scooters function just as well, and can last you quite a while. The kind of scooter you want to buy depends on its intended use. Whether it is for short trips to the convenient store and back, moving around your house and garden or longer trips around the neighbourhood.The quality of used speedy electric scooter vary significantly. You can have anything from slightly used to completely old, and everything in between. Second hand dealer's purchase used mobility scooters from various sources, so you will have a healthy variety to choose from. The trick is to know exactly what use you are intending to put the scooter too i.e how often do you intend to use it, what the kind of terrain do you intend to use it on and if you are planning to use a scooter indoors then does it have a small turning circle to enable you you manoeuvre it around. Another thing to consider is that different scooters fit different sizes. If you have a large frame, then the four-wheeler will suit you best, it has a larger frame-as opposed to one with three wheels, which is more useful in small spaces.Buying a used mobility scooter from a retailer has its benefits, one being the fact that most retailers will give you a 6 month warranty on parts, and they are fitted with new batteries on delivery. Be on the look out for bargains, which come around every so often-you can always catch a deal when you go for used merchandise.