5 μg / ml EB solution after pcr tube and plate. The light source used is not suitable for short-wavelength (254nm) UV light source. Do not heat before electrophoresis. The electrophoretic velocity of bromophenol blue in agarose gel during electrophoresis can be used as a reference for electrophoretic velocity. However, the effective separation range of the gel decreases with increasing voltage, so low voltage is generally used during electrophoresis, which does not exceed 6V / cm. When the BE-DNA complex is irradiated with ultraviolet light, the position of the nucleic acid is indicated by luminescence. Remove phenol before electrophoresis. Apparatus (1) Electrophoresis system: electrophoresis apparatus, horizontal electrophoresis tank, rubber plate, etc. Remove excess salts by ethanol precipitation before electrophoresis. 2. In addition, the sample should avoid bacterial contamination, because bacteria may contain endogenous HRP, which will cause inaccurate test results.4) to remove residual blood or impurities from the surface.15g, with OLED color display The screen displays measurement data and charts, and Bluetooth communication main references: 1) Edward L. In addition, the sample must not contain NaN3, which can inhibit HRP activity, otherwise it will cause false negative results. Serum Serum is the most commonly used sample for ELISA experiments, and its pretreatment is also very simple. Collect the supernatant and store it at -20 ° C or -80 ° C to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. McHill etc. Freeze-thaw.002%, temperature and pressure compensation, and the sampling frequency is 10Hz; with two lines of text Digital LCD display with backlight CO2 content and air pressure can be displayed at the same time; 4-channel analog output, 16bit resolution, with digital filtering (noise) 3.. Store the samples at -20 ° C or -80 ° C. Common anticoagulants include EDTA, sodium heparin, sodium citrate and so on. If the gel is left for a period of time to observe, even if EB is added to the original gel or the sample, it is recommended to choose EB solution for soaking and staining. 6. The temperature should not exceed 30 ° C.0V / cm overnight. DNA bands with similar molecular size are not easy to distinguish and increase the electrophoresis time. Turn on the electrophoresis apparatus and the electrophoresis tank, and turn on the power, adjust the appropriate voltage, stabilize the output, and start electrophoresis.