日本生活用貨小TIPS: (有大SIZE及細SIZE (睇下是用在那裡了。) 如: SINGLE BED 細SIZE便行; DOUBLE BED 就需要大SIZE了。 (純天然,沒有化學成份) 壁蝨、蜱、蟎、螕誘捕器 好多朋友仔都知我鼻敏感都幾犀利下,其中一個大原因係塵蟎,好多時一起身就係咁打乞嗤。 呢個蟲蟲誘捕器都用咗差不多兩年,好明顯鼻敏感係有所改善的。所以係呢到推薦一下俾大家。 用法十分用容易,放係床下面。每三個月更換一次。 幾適合有小朋友,養小動物 同埋有鼻敏感人士好似小弟。哈哈!! 有興趣的朋友就話我知啦!! 一齊訂埋。 想知多點詳情就PM (4週有明顯見效!) “Mite under arrest” Is anyone interested to try it? As someone may know I get quite serious noses allergies coz of dust mite, this product can reduce the mite and prevent getting serious nose allergies again at home. I am using it for almost 2 years. For me, it is quite helpful to reduce the symptoms of running nose due to allergies. I just put it under my bed and change it by each 3 months. It is quite helpful for those whose families have kids & pets & getting nose allergies like me. If you get interested in, just let me know. I will explain it how to use it in detail! (每三個月更換一次) 只需要放係床褥下就可以了。 匠心の旅 Travel Plan Ahead