講返Siem Reap之旅嘅Day 1 tourist mode full on - Angkor Wat之旅 落機後拿拿臨check in然後包架tuk tuk出發到這個world heritage 網上有好多Angkor Wat嘅相同資料,出發前都大約望過下,心入面都有啲期望同expectation 因時間關係,只係did the small circuit,唔夠時間行grand circuit 成個地方都好amazing, once again how they could have actually built those with the resources they had at that time, without any technology and plants & equipment as we have nowadays 其實Angkor Wat成件事都好宏偉,不過俾唔到那種很WOW嘅感覺我 可能係上個月去了轉Pranbanan temple,果下第一眼個感覺強烈好多 成個complex最喜歡嘅係Ta Phrom(右上),較為特別嘅一個寺 讓我深深感受到大自然嘅破壞力,千幾年歷史嘅建築物慢慢地俾啲樹根破壞,可惜,可惜 http://www.facebook.com/travelmoreworryless