The Q&A with the Staff Giulia at O.A.K. Cafè 1. What is your favorite dish or drink here? Our breakfast sandwich has become such a thing that we have people ordering two at a time, and you can always add extra ingredients to enhance the taste. Golden Milk (Turmeric Latte) would be my #1 pick for drinks right now, so there you go. 2. Do you have any tip for people who visiting here for the first time ? My tip for newcomers would be "Please find the toilet on the left when you walk past the counter"! Jokes aside, I would recommend going for one of our Weekly Specials if they come for lunch, or simply order a good cup of coffee - we have all sorts of milk - and pair it with a slice of carrot or lemon polenta cake. Enjoy their time at O.A.K. listening to good music and talking to friends and strangers. 3. Could you use three words to describe this place? Warmhearted, inclusive, and quality-oriented! 點擊圖片放大 +2 #A great place by all means, calm, cozy, super friendly and cute homey place with excellent music. #A wonderful neighborhood cafe serving wonderful homemade cakes and daily specials. #The owner Giulia and Martin, one in the kitchen and one at the bar, both are very friendly, always serve you a smile on their face. #They are vegan friendly and also have vegetarian and gluten free options! #Amazing place that conjugates the Italian quality food tradition with the innovation and vibe of Berlin. 點擊圖片放大 +2 They serve water with fresh mint #Everything is prepared with fresh ingredients and the menu is constantly updated based on the seasonality of products. #Amazingly delicious carrot cake. #Ideal for breakfast, lunch, quality food at very affordable prices. #It is a great place to work at, since they have free wifi for their customers. Amazingly delicious carrot cake. #義大利情侶在柏林自營的咖啡館,很有自家客廳的感覺,氣氛溫馨舒服。 #經營者 Giulia and Martino 自己顧店,Giulia站廚房,Martino站吧台加外場,非常友善,Martino 總是給客人親切的微笑。 #素食友善,也有無麩質的選擇。 #所有烘培類都是他們自己研發,和新鮮手作,我點了個蘿蔔蛋糕,真的非常好吃,濕潤綿密,不會有一般乾乾的口感,且不會甜,非常推薦! 點擊圖片放大 +2 #是一個吃早餐和午餐,或下午茶的好選擇,他們每天都會推出今日菜單,所有不怕口味吃膩,尤其是他們的早餐三明治非常受歡迎,麵包也是自己做的,內容物也都可以依自己的喜好做選擇 #因為是義大利人開的,所以咖啡他們只提供義式的咖啡,沒有手沖或單品咖啡豆的選擇,他們的咖啡豆是用柏林當地烘豆師的重烘培咖啡豆,對我來說不是我喜歡的味道。 #他們的餐點都盡量做到健康,像是酪梨布朗尼,就是利用酪梨的油脂去減少使用奶油,減少熱量,並增加了滑順的口感,可以試試 #下午時段很忙碌,服務可能會比較慢,因為畢竟只有他們兩個人。 Avocado Brownie 酪梨布朗尼 更多旅遊資訊歡迎來我的臉書粉絲頁 Check out more on my Facebook Page Address:Weichselstraße 66, 12043 Berlin Website : Open hour : Tue to Fri : 09:30 - 18:00 Sat & Sun : 10:00 - 18:00 All photos by Toto Kuo Wedding / Event / Honeymoon Trip / Food Photography 歐洲婚紗 / 活動 / 蜜月側拍 / 食物 攝影。歐洲地陪。私人訂製 Facebook Page - Instagram - Flickr - Food Blog - email : WeChat ID : totokuophoto Line ID : toto1104