聖安德烈小鎮 漂亮的小城聖安德烈位於布達佩斯以北約20公里,是藝術家的聚集地,喜歡購買紀念品的旅行者非常鍾愛這裡。小城擁有狹窄曲折的街道、古老而迷人的房屋,很多小餐館、藝術畫廊和手工藝品展覽館遍布其中,還有幾座值得一看的東正教堂。它還有個非常可愛的小名“山丹丹”,是匈牙利華人根據讀音而起的暱稱。 點擊圖片放大 這一次我乘坐了多瑙河觀光遊輪到山丹丹,真的是很舒服的一日遊。 每天的10點45分,游輪會在碼頭11號開船,整個行程約需2個小時。 沿途河岸的景色非常漂亮,特別是在布達佩斯。 我和我朋友都很享受這放鬆的早晨時光,沿途中還可以聽見鳥叫聲,感覺非常接近大自然。 逛完山丹丹後,你還可以在17:20乘坐同一游輪返回布達佩斯。 且如果直接買來回票會比較便宜,只要15歐元(單程票:10歐元) Szentendre is a small Hungarian town near the Danube bend, framed in a picturesque, wonderful natural setting with the winding river, nearby hills and mountains. The natural outline of the historical town is majestically and uniquely complemented by human‐made creations: winding and narrow cobblestone streets, tight alleys, tiny downtown houses leaning against one another and fine‐lined baroque steeples. This little town is situated on the right side of the Danube between Buda, Visegrád and Esztergom. Due to its historic architecture and easy rail and river access, the picturesque town of Szentendre has become a popular destination for tourists make it an ideal day trip from Budapest. It is known for its museums, galleries, and artists. This time i decided to take a boat trip along the Danube river to Szentendre, which was really nice. The boat leave at Dock 11 everyday at 10:45, and the whole trip takes about 2 hours. The view along the river was really beautiful, especially in the Budapest. My friends and I had really relaxing time, and felt nice to be close to nature. After visiting Szentendre, you can take the same boat back to Budapest at 17:20. Also with the return ticket is much cheaper, €15 for both way ( €10 for just one way ) Budapest Sightseeing Cruises Contact 游輪預約聯絡方式: You can easily book on-line by the link below : 中文 / English 預約熱線 Tel : +36 20 453 3656 Email: silverlinekefu@gmail.com Line ID: budapestsilverline 中文微信客服 Wechet: BpSilverline QQ: 3409321898 Address :Budapest, Jane Haining Rakpart, Dokk 11, 1052 Hungary 你也可以搭船到對面的小島 / The boat can take you to the island in the middle of Danube river All photos by Toto Kuo Wedding / Event / Honeymoon Trip / Food Photography 歐洲婚紗 / 活動 / 蜜月側拍 / 食物 攝影。歐洲地陪。私人訂製 Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/budapestsogood/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/totokuo/ Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/totokuo/ Food Blog - http://totokuo.blogspot.hu/ email : toto11046179@gmail.com WeChat ID : totokuo1104 Line ID : toto1104