#服務非常友善,且英文溝通沒問題 #早餐 / 早午餐的選擇多樣, 特別推薦搭他們的班尼迪克蛋,味道很棒,不過份量有點小,適合女生吃 #早餐菜單每天服務到下午4點,所以晚起的鳥兒們還是可以來這吃早餐 #如果吃膩了英式早餐,可以試試匈牙利鄉村早餐,有不同種的傳統匈牙利臘腸和一球鵝肝抹醬,味道很棒 #餐廳座落在我最喜歡的布達佩斯區,吃完了早午餐,建議可以在附近走走 #熱白巧克力和漢堡都很推薦 #座位很多,空間整體感覺也很舒服,如果平日來的話,一般都很安靜,可以帶電腦來工作,假日的話,早午餐時段通常會客滿 # This place is so quirky and cute, the atmosphere was delightful. # Staffs are very friendly and speaking great English # Have a huge selection of food to choose from. # A little bit pricey than most places in Budapest, but worth it. # White hot chocolate was really good! # Great breakfast spot ! Perfect eggs benedict and a really nice place that does 'breakfast' until 4pm everyday. # The Hungarian country-style breakfast which came with sausage, ham, bread, and duck pate which is rally good. # Some portions are smaller than I expected but then quality made up for it. # Cosy and quiet place, not crowded on the weekdays evenings but can get busy in the weekend, so be prepared to wait a little longer than usual if it's packed. # Located in the cool area. # Tried burgers here couple of times, was blown away by the quality - they definitely stand out from the average of the nearby burger joints. 點擊圖片放大 Address:Budapest, Lövőház u. 27, 1024 Website :http://www.cirkuszbp.hu/ Open hour : Mon to Thu : 09:00 - 23:00 Fri & Sat : 09:00 - 23:45 Sun : 9:00 - 17:00 All photos by Toto Kuo Wedding / Event / Honeymoon Trip / Food Photography 歐洲婚紗 / 活動 / 蜜月側拍 / 食物 攝影。歐洲地陪。私人訂製 Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/budapestsogood/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/totokuo/ Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/totokuo/ Food Blog - http://totokuo.blogspot.hu/ email : toto11046179@gmail.com WeChat ID : totokuo1104 Line ID : toto1104