亮點介紹 25分鐘超速多瑙河觀光快艇體驗 欣賞擁有歐洲之心,多瑙河明珠美名的布達佩斯河岸美景,已被列為文化遺產之一 時數90公里的超快感刺激感受 每天三個時段出發 12:00 / 15:00 / 18:00,不需另外預約包船,隨時出發 最多可容納10人 全新高端豪華快艇享受 點擊圖片放大 +2 最近我和我朋友體驗多瑙河瘋狂觀光快艇,真的很好玩!從我們上船到結束就沒有停止過尖叫和大笑,快艇一下忽快忽慢,一下急速轉彎,非常刺激好玩。且沿途的風景真的很美。而且快艇本身看起來幾乎是全新,全白的皮革沙發座椅,坐起來超舒適。 如果你想要在你的旅途中來點刺激新鮮的,一定要來體驗看看!絕不會讓你失望! The Highlight 25 minutes of ultimate adrenaline rush Gorgeous sights and view 375 horse power The chance to snap amazing selfies Cruising experience at a speed of 90 km/h with ‘Silverline Crazy Cruise Me and my friends we went to try to speed boat on Danube river in Budapest. It was so much fun and the view along the river just amazing. Since we get on the boat, we just non-stop laughing and screaming. The boat sometimes speed up, slow down, make twists or even make sharp turns. We had lots of awesome selfies photos. If you like something more exciting and fun, then you definitely should try it. I am sure it will not disappoint you. Departure point: Dock 11 Maximum capacity: 10 persons Departure times: 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 https://youtu.be/ZBmSK5HGEjk 聯絡方式 Contact : You can easily book on-line by the link below : 你可以簡單點以下連結,直接進去官方網站作線上預訂 http://totokuo.blogspot.hu/2017/01/silverline-dinner-cruise-fine-dining.html 中文 / English 預約熱線 Tel : +36 20 453 3656 Email: silverlinekefu@gmail.com Line ID: budapestsilverline 中文客服 Wechet: BpSilverline QQ: 3409321898