#藏匿在布達佩斯巷弄中,我最喜歡的早午餐店 #菜單每個月換一次,5樣鹹的,5樣甜的,簡單具創意 #座位只有6張桌子,共12個座位,經常客滿,建議提早來 #健康取向,有趣的結合不同新鮮食材,驚艷你的味覺享受 #具藝術性的視覺色彩擺盤設計,令人看了胃口大開! #服務人員親切,說英文 #老闆是先開了正對面的咖啡館後,2.5年半後才又開了這家,所以吃完早午餐後,別忘了再去對面喝杯手沖咖啡 #所有餐點新鮮手作,需要等待,但是絕對值得! #Healthy. Fresh. Simply Delicious. #Colorful and artistic dishes with tastefully designed to be healthy and flavorful. #One of the best place where having breakfast in the city centre of Budapest, also recommend for brunch or light lunch #Very pleasantly surprised at how complex the flavors were from seemingly simple combinations of food. #It's a superb hidden gem in an alley. #A quaint little hip shop with clean design and colors #They change menu monthly, and it is 5 savoury 5 sweet food each month. #The staff is very kind, fast and speak perfect English. #Creative menu, all the dishes are well prepared with fresh ingredients. #They started with the coffeeshop first there, and then 2.5 years later opened Szimply. #Small place with 6 tables of 2 seats, and non smoking outdoor seats. #Combine your brunch with a good coffee from the Kontact coffee shop (situated just opposite, same owner) Address:Budapest, Károly krt. 22, 1052 Hungary Website : szimply.com Open hour : Mon to Fri : 08:00 - 16:00 All photos by Toto Kuo Wedding / Event / Honeymoon Trip / Food Photography 歐洲婚紗 / 活動 / 蜜月側拍 / 食物 攝影。歐洲地陪。私人訂製 Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/budapestsogood/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/totokuo/ Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/totokuo/ Food Blog - http://totokuo.blogspot.hu/ email : toto11046179@gmail.com WeChat ID : totokuo1104 Line ID : toto1104