#服務非常親切,去了兩三次就感覺像家一樣的舒服氣氛 #平日適合一個人悠閒的看書或工作 #早餐都是新鮮食材現點現做,價格也相當合理 #適合在瑪格麗特島慢跑完的人,來這裡小憩一下,且如果你跟他們要水,他們會不讓你失望的給你一大杯的白開水 #戶外的座位,伴著多瑙河和瑪格麗特島的景色,非常適合天氣好的日曬下午 #家庭友善,推薦夫妻帶小孩來這享受不用上班和煮飯的悠閒週日早午餐 #寵物友善 點擊圖片放大 #A coffee shop make you feel like home, also good for people who just want to read or working on computer.But it can get pretty busy during the breakfast time. #Can't usually get the great service in Budapest but this cozy place never disappoint me. #Really good and fresh made breakfast serve here.Expect a little bit longer waiting time, but definitely worth it. #Great after a run on Margit Sziget - the staff understand what you need when you ask for a huge glass of tap water. #Really good home-made chocolate-sour cherry cake, you should give a try ! #Great outdoor tables near the river. Good for a sunny afternoon. #Dogs are allowed inside and made for a fun and friendly environment. #Superb view on the Danube and Margaret island. #Kids friendly, good for family to have a relaxing Sunday brunch without working and cooking. Address : Budapest, Radnóti Miklós u. 45, 1137 Website : http://www.cafepanini.hu/ Opening hours : Mon 11:00 - 21:00 Tue to Fri 08:00 - 21:00 Sat 09:00 - 21:00 Sun 09:00 - 19:00 All photos by Toto Kuo Wedding / Event / Honeymoon Trip / Food Photography 歐洲婚紗 / 活動 / 蜜月側拍 / 食物 攝影。歐洲地陪。私人訂製 Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/budapestsogood/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/totokuo/ Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/totokuo/ Food Blog - http://totokuo.blogspot.hu/ email : toto11046179@gmail.com WeChat ID : totokuo1104 Line ID : toto1104