#早餐或早午餐價格合理,另有無麩質選擇 #甜點,超出期待的質感美味且價格實在 #寵物友善 #夏天的戶外座位舒服 #他們的自製麵包好吃,值得一試 #經營者精心挑選的多款紅白酒單,其中包含了匈牙利本地的和其他國家的 #服務親切,但有時用餐時段戶外都坐滿,卻只有一個服務生,所以服務有點慢 # Nice outdoor terrace seats # Outstanding quality dessert. # Breakfast and lunch with reasonable price and gluten free options. #The place had a cool hipster-y vibe with the two moustached owners and good music in the background. #Dogs friendly ! #the homemade bread is just amazing # Large but super quality wine selection both Hungarian and international # Employees are very kind and forthcoming, service polite but a bit erratic as only one server. 點擊圖片放大 Address : Budapest, Dob u. 46/a, 1072 Hungary Website : https://www.facebook.com/StikaBP Open hour : Mon to Wed 08:00 - 23:00 Thu to Sat 8:00 - 00:00 Sun 8:00 - 17:00