Pizza係屋企由搓麵糰到焗好,只需30分鐘,快過黃飛鴻無影腳,而且不需要用酵母,不用等麵團發酵,當中竅門、重點逐一講解,這個食譜極易做好,和小朋友一起做非常適合,氣炸鍋和焗爐都做到,人人食過必定讚好,看過我整個短片,你就會明白,保證人人做到完美PizzaVideo: 即刻Click 入:喜歡的請按「訂閱」同按下小叮噹🔔(全部)支持一下啊❤️ 材料【按下圖片放大】 麵糰180g 中筋麵粉 [fig1]0.5 tsp 砂糖1.5 tsp 泡打粉 [fig2]0.5 tsp 鹽1 tsp 橄欖油 [fig3]1 large 雞蛋40ml 水 餅底汁料2 tbsp 意大利粉醬 [fig4餡料12塊 意大利辣肉腸 [fig5]4 蘑菇切片 2tsp 炸洋蔥2tsp 煙肉粒 [fig6]120g 水牛芝士碎 [fig7]1tsp 乾香草碎 [fig8]烤焗時間 (按照焗爐性能作出調節)氣炸鍋: 180 攝氏 8-10 分鐘焗爐:200 攝氏 15-17 分鐘(熱風對流烤焗)做法:1. 將氣炸鍋或焗爐預熱好2. 麵糰材料混合好(水用1半分量,看情況再逐少加入)3. 枱上灑上麵粉將麵糰搓2-3分鐘至光滑 (不需搓至起薄膜)4. 將麵糰壓成喜歡的形狀(要有0.5-1cm厚)5.麵糰上塗上意大利粉醬,再鋪上餡料6. 放入鋪上牛油紙焗盤內,入焗爐或氣炸鍋,用上述建議烤焗時間焗至金黃,出爐切件,即可享用重點:1. 要看情況把水逐少加入麵糰2. 麵糰要帶有黏性才夠水份3. 麵糰不要壓得太扁也不能太厚4. 氣炸鍋焗到中途要檢查,若芝士已經金黃,就要蓋上錫箔紙繼續焗Ingredients [click image to enlarge] Dough mixture180g All purpose flour [fig1]0.5 tsp Sugar 1.5 tsp Baking powder [fig2]**[In the vidow, it used 2tsp. But I got some feedback saying 1.5 tsp is better]0.5 tsp Salt1 tsp Olive oil [fig3] 1 large Egg (55-60g)40ml Water Sauce mixture2 tbsp Pasta sauce [fig4]Filling12-16 Pepperoni [fig5]4 Mushrooms, sliced2tsp Fried Onions2tsp Bacon bites [fig6]120g Mozzarella cheese , grated [fig7]1tsp Herbs of your choice, flakes [fig8]Suggested cooking methods Air fry: 180 Celsius for 8-10 minsOven: 200 Celsius for 15-17 mins (convectional bake)Step:1. Preheat your oven or air fryer2. Mix the dough ingredients well (add half portion of water, gradually. Add the rest if necessary)3. Sprinkle flour on the table. Knead the dough until smooth, ball forms, about 2 minutes4. Roll dough into any shape of your liking (the dough should have 0.5 to 1 cm thick)5. Spoon the Pasta Sauce over the pizza base,top with the filling6. Place the pizza in a baking tray covered with parchment paper. Bake it in the oven or air fryer as per cooking methods above. Slice and enjoy!Cooking tips:1. Add water gradually into the dough mixture2. The dough should be sticky. Otherwise it is too dry3. Do not over roll the dough. 4. Check the pizza in the middle of air frying. If the cheese melted, continue air frying by covering the pizza with aluminium paper. Continue air frying