After some time the companies became aware of the benefits that memory foam served and started making mattresses out of it. Mattress plays a major role in making your bed comfortable or uncomfortable. And for that a comfortable <a href="bedtrader. If you share the bed with someone then as the other person turns and twists whole night, you too can feel it and that interrupts the sleep. This gives you a comfortable sleep. Memory PVC Door Sweeps Suppliers foam was originally invented by NASA for the astronauts to make them more comfortable in space and to give them a shock resistant dress. It is the time to move to something more comfortable with memory foam mattresses are the first requirement. The way we sleep determines the way we get up and with memory foam bed you get up fresh. Though it is a bit costly but the benefits make it a good deal. After a tiring day and all the stress taken throughout the day all you need is a comfortable sleep.When you just sit on it or lie down the foam beneath your body melts away and the mattress takes the shape of your body. If you are still using those brash mattress or any other spring mattress them you have not experienced the real comfort yet. If you are feeling neck pain and hip pain every morning or you or your family member is suffering from arthritis then this mattress is the best gift. This mattress is known to give pain relief. This mattress is also known for restricting the motion transferring. You will noticeably feel the difference in the pain and headache and those who have arthritis will feel that the pain is decreased.foam mattress is made of special foam which melts away with pressure. This situation is avoidable with memory foam mattresses.