上上回說到我在旅程一開始時,就遇到了一個讀社會學的host,而命運就是這麼可愛,當我那四十天旅程結束時,我也認識到一個社會學的朋友,那是在瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩舊城的一間涼鞋鋪內。 【斯德哥爾摩舊城】 旅程將近尾聲,我從波蘭飛回了瑞典,那時正直夏天,舊城內的大街小巷都塞滿了遊客,跟我那瑞典小鎮的印象很不一樣。舊城是遊客區,除了紀念品,還是紀念品,這樣的瑞典對我來說,我反而很陌生。然而,為著那是回香港之前,最後一次機會買手信,我還是買了些,而且收穫不錯!(有待下回分解!) 【涼鞋】 在舊城遊蕩的大部分時間,我對琳瑯滿目的紀念品都沒有興趣,而且人多,很吵耳,加上我睡了一晚的機場,是坐早機回到瑞典的,所以很累,沒什麼心思逛紀念品店,卻無意中走進了一間皮革店。它在舊城區內,主要賣涼鞋與拖鞋,還有少量的皮帶,款式不是很多。初時,我卻是沒打算光顧的,你想:舊城是遊客區呢!而且這是瑞典,價錢一定很貴了!然而,我看著看著卻著迷了。 我踏進店鋪時,店內有一個中年的中國女人,帶著一個老婦人以及一個小女孩,店主是一個三十出頭的男人,典型的瑞典男人,寬闊的肩膊以及閃得逼人的藍眼睛及金頭髮。中年女人的英文還可以,可以勉強跟店主溝通,我進入的時候,她在問價錢,我一聽,果然很貴!她和她媽媽都買一對,想問問可不可以便宜一點,卻不知怎麼說,見我進來了,就叫我幫口。 店主笑笑說,這店原本是他媽媽開的,所有鞋以及鞋底的設計都是他媽媽設計的,早期都是用人手做,後期會以小機器幫手。可是,他媽媽在二月份時過世了,他本身也不是住在斯德哥爾摩,但店舖沒人管了,他回來清掉這些貨,所以部分款式不是很齊碼。他更說鞋子很耐穿,可以穿上十年!說到這個時候,他亮了亮他正穿在腳上的涼鞋,說他上年去印度旅行時,穿著它也很舒服。我就被「人手製造」、「媽媽」和「旅行」等這些元素給吸引了,就說如果我也買,而且我是在瑞典交流的,準備回香港了,可不可以便宜點。後來,店主減價了。 好了,最後講定價錢了,款式及尺碼也確定了,店主說先服務中年女人及她的媽媽,才再跟我聊及找合我腳大小的涼鞋。只見店主在中年女人面前蹲下來,著中年女人把鞋子脫掉,然後再把腳放在她挑選的涼鞋上。原來這些鞋子都是用一條皮繩串連成所有絆帶的,拉拉扯扯,所有絆帶都可以長些或短些。店主蹲下來,就是為中年女人因應她的腳來調較絆帶的長短,弄好之後,還來來回回走上幾轉,看看舒不舒服,好認真的試涼鞋! 【社會學】 買涼鞋又怎麼會知道店主讀社會學的呢? 店主幫中年女人及她媽媽弄好鞋子後,送走了她們,我以為到我了,誰知,他卻問我介不介意,我說不介意,他便點了枝煙,走到門口,挨著門框吸口煙,我們的對話就這樣開始了。 「你說你來瑞典交流。你在哪間大學唸?唸甚麼?」 「Orebro,社會學·。」 「啊!社會學,我在高中時也唸過一兩年。」 聽到這句話時,我真的好想問他一個問題,好解答心中的疑問。 「你覺得社會學怎麼樣?我都畢業了,過幾天就要回香港開始找工作了,卻好像甚麼也沒學到,大概是我不認真讀書,沒認真看所有readings吧?那些理論也太悶了,readings的英文也太難理解了。」 「我倒是很喜歡那些理論·。我讀了一兩年,之後也沒讀了。不過,至少社會學告訴你怎麼看這個社會。你看!剛才那個中年女人的媽媽差不多七十多歲了,她應該經歷了新中國成立、文化大革命及天安門事件,到她今天看見這樣發達的中國,不知感受怎麼樣,她經歷了這麼多,應該是個很有故事的人,可惜,我跟她溝通不了。」 我聽到他這麼說時,心裏很驚訝,好奇他怎麼對中國近代史那麼清楚。同時,他說到那老年女人是個很有故事的人,我就知道我們真的是同學,同學社會學,忽然想起了大學第一個上的社會學course的第一份功課,那份寫自己成長背景怎麼影響自己的功課。 大學讀了三年,卻感覺好像沒進啥知識到腦中,到了要找工作的時候,更是一臉迷茫,不知該尋哪個方向找。而他卻給了我一個很好的答案:至少社會學告訴我們可以怎麼樣看這個社會,看身邊的事物。這個答案倒是讓我在回香港前安了一點心,算是三年來讀社會的總結似的。假如你會去斯德哥爾摩,就去看看這間皮革店還開不開吧!你也可以跟他聊社會學!今年是我回來之後,第一個夏天穿這雙涼鞋,現在還不知道究竟這鞋子是不是真的可以穿十年,但至少這回憶會記住一輩子。 2014年的7月18日,我搭上了飛機回香港,儘管飛機因為行李問題,明明已到了跑道,卻又要回到停泊處,讓我在瑞典的土地上眷戀多一個多小時,我最後還是踏上了歸途。2015年7月18日,是在香港又生存一年也好,是畢業了一年也好,離開瑞典一周年也好,僅以此文作紀念。 【Stockholm, Sandals and Sociology】 Life is always interesting. I met a Sociology host in the very first beginning of my 40-day trip. I also met someone who studies Sociology when I ended my trip in the old town of Stockholm, Sweden. 【Old Town of Stockholm】 With the super good summer weather, the old town of Stockholm was filled with thousands tourists. Crowdedness and noisiness made me felt a little bit strange about Sweden. All shops were selling the same type of souvenirs. I was not very interested in them but it was my last chance to buy souvenirs before I returned to Hong Kong. That’s why I finally bought some and they were good and worth buying! (will share later) 【Sandals】 I hanged around in the old town and eventually entered a leather shop, which sells a certain collections of sandals only. A middle-aged woman, her old mother and her daughter were looking at those sandals. The shop keeper is typical muscular Swedish guy in shinning golden hair and blue eyes. The woman knew a little English and she asked me to help her bargain. I explained to the shop keeper and added that I was an exchange student and it was the time for me to go home. He replied the shop was originally operated by his mother and she designed and arranged people to make those sandals. However, she passed away in February so he returned to Stockholm and tried to sell all stock. He was so proud of her as these scandals can be in good state in 10 years. Last, he agreed our bargain and we started to searched for our fabourable sandals. It was amazing that a leather rope makes the sandals. The shop keeper asked the woman to put her foot sole on the sandals and he fix the leather rope according to her foot sole. So flexible! 【Sociology】 Why do I know the shop keeper studies Sociology? After serving the women and her mother, he asked for a break and smoked standing next to the door while I sat in the shop. And we started to chat. “You said you are an exchange student. Which uni? What do u study?” “Orebro. Sociology. ” “Oh, Sociology. I have also studied Sociology for one or two years.” SO SURPRISING to meet someone who also study Sociology! And I was so eager to ask him a question. “How do you find Sociology? I am about to graduate and return to Hong Kong for working. Yet, I didn’t feel I have learnt anything. Maybe it is because I never study seriously, understand those complicated theories and read those difficult English..” “I quite like those theories. I didn’t continue to study Sociology after those two years. However, I at least think that Sociology does teach me how to study the society. Look at that old woman. She must encounter the establishment of China, Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen Event. Lots of stories behind her! It’s a pity that I can’t communicate with her.” Haha, I really believe that he studies Sociology when he said the old woman can tell lots of stories. At the time I am about to graduate but feel nothing learnt, his conclusion really made me feel better. Yes, Sociology at least allows me to observe what is going on in the society. I am not sure if the sandals can last for 10 years. Yet, I will remember all memories in the whole life. If you will visit Stockholm, you are welcome to see if there is still the leather shop. Maybe you can talk with him about Sociology! On 18th July, 2014, the plane took off and brought me home. Today, 18th July, 2015, is the date of returning to Hong Kong, graduating or leaving Sweden for one year. Anyway, let’s these words mark my memories!