克羅地亞的Zadar是個蠻熱門的沿海城市,我發了好多封CS的信出去,都找不到可以讓我留宿的Host,反而有幾人向我介紹他們的Hostel(聰明的你,大概知道甚麼了吧?)我那四十日的旅程一開始就遇上了這樣的一個難題。好,找不到host,我就自己住Hostel算了。我這頭訂了Hostel,那頭就收到回覆,有個人肯收留我一晚。可惜已經太遲了,我們唯有出來,在美麗的晴天與海灣邊吃個午餐。大概是天氣很好,心情很好,食物很好,我們一見面就可以聊很多,光是說我去瑞典交流及來自香港就有很多話題可以說。最難忘的是,他介紹我克羅地亞有個網站,專門讓當地人在網上購買香港的物品!他還很羨慕香港的貨品那麼便宜又正!說真的,他不說,我也不知道香港貨品在當地那麼受歡迎,霎時覺得克羅地亞與香港也不是距離很遠! 而最最令我們投契的是,傾談之下才發覺我們竟然都讀社會學!他在大學讀社會學的研究生或碩士甚麼的!哈哈!光是這點,就讓我們距離拉近許多!當然,我忍不住問他要不要向身邊的人解釋甚麼是社會學,讀社會學不是做社工,他如我們那麼無奈地笑笑說,他也要解釋五千次!看來,讀社會學的人都不孤單,我們都面對同一樣的問題! [Zadar, Croatia] My host also studies Sociology! Facing same question as me! Zadar is my first destination of my 40-day trip. Yet, I met a great problem as I couldn’t find a host. May be it is because it is a famous touristy city? Eventually, I booked a hostel. Amazingly, just after paying to the hostel, I got a reply from a Croatian that he can host me…Ooooop, what a pity! I didn’t waste this chance to meet any local that I had a dinner with my host. Thanks to the sunny weather, nice bay and delicious food, we talked a lot. From exchange to Sweden to introducing HK, we had lots of topics to share. He even told me that there was a website to buy Hong Kong products and he was so jealous that Hong Kong people can enjoy high-quality products in low price! Something bringing us closer is that we found we both study Sociology! Haha, I just wonder if he faces the similar situation as us that we have to explain what Sociology is and studying Sociology doesn’t mean to be a social worker. And he says YES with laughs!!! It seems all Sociology students have to answer the same questions! We are not alone!