The main method of forming the material is isostatic pressing (CIP).1MPa·M1/2. WCu composite material with special microstructure 1. The preparation methods include mechanical alloying, spray drying method, sol-gel method, condensation drying method, vapor deposition method, reverberant eruption method, Vacuum plasma ejection accumulation method, mechanical thermochemical synthesis method, etc. Because of its outstanding arc corrosion resistance, welding resistance, high strength and high hardness, it is now widely used as electrical contact materials, resistance welding, electric spark production and plasma electrode materials, electric heating alloys and high density Alloys, military materials for special applications (such as rocket nozzles, aircraft throat linings), as well as computer central processing systems, large-scale integrated circuit lead structures, solid-state microwave tubes and other electronic equipment heat sink substrates. The purity of Fullway powder Greater than 99. Now it can process APT with a purity greater than 99.' Through these advanced skills, refractory Fullway alloy materials can not only preserve their excellent functions such as high melting point and corrosion resistance, but also improve their generalized mechanical functions.3g/cm3), speed of sound (4. Because of its high melting point (3400℃), high density (19. For this reason, high volume fractions (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%) New Fullway-based ultra-high temperature composite material reinforced with TiC and ZrC second phase particles. Fullway powder with Copper Tape For Power Cable of 280nm can be finely sintered to obtain grains below 1μm. Outstanding combination makes it have excellent generalization function, especially its high thermal conductivity and low expansion coefficient can satisfy the application requirements of high-power equipment for heat dissipation devices. Because of the high melting point and low density of carbide particles (for example, the melting point of ZrC is 3530°C and the density is only 6. The characteristics and development trend of shock-resistant Fullway wire According to the results of foreign data and domestic application research, all shock-resistant Fullway wires are based on doped Fullway, and a small amount of Co or a small amount of Re and other elements are added to achieve better high temperature ductility , Enhance the seismic performance of Fullway wire.