1 ) Do you see me? : I recognize my own cognition and identity , my name , my childhood , such as playing various occupations at home, self-directed films and hold a concert alone etc. Through these reflect a loneliness of being the only child. And also writing something insignificant but profound , like I really hate parent’s day because my mother never attend. 2) Time Tunnel: It is a chapter about my family history. I have never met my paternal grandfather, I only knew that he died before I born, I always thought that he died because of sick. However, I had a dream when I was young and knowing that grandfather was dead by jumping from the hospital, I believe this dream was a message from my grandfather. There is also an anti- Japanese story about my maternal grandparent, if they were killed at that time, my mother and I will not exist in this world. Also, I have written some interesting daily life with them, misses the steaming eggs that made by my grandmother to present an attachments to my past and unwilling to let go of my childhood. 3) Our lingering : This is a series of a heavy articles about my mother and I . As being a caregiver of a depression and alcoholism patient, I have been pass through indeed sad things, like my mother wants to commit suicide , we spending mother’s day in the hospital.The purpose of writing this is not tell how miserable I am , but to hope that more people will care about the caregivers’ feelings and to pay attention to psychiatry. 4) Love specification: I was pessimistic about love because of the background of single parent family, but the contradiction is that I still believe and rely in love. I am devoted about love, but I am scared about it too.