As I have mentioned, I am a caregiver of a psychiatry patient , this issue brings me an idea on writing mental health problems, my mother has been suffering from depression and alcoholism for almost 10 years. When she enters the hospital in these years, people will only define it as “maniac” and then tie her up, this makes my mother has a big shadow on sending to hospital. Also, there are also many cases of commit suicide because of mental illness. Therefore, this brings me a brief concept at the very beginning on hoping people will pay more attention to mental health problems through my artwork. In 2008, when I got home, I noticed that the bed was moved to the living room and there was vomiting stains on the bed and there were eight empty Japanese beers and a bag of prescription sleeping pills on the floor. I am convinced that my mother had lost her mind at that moment and tried to commit suicide, I tried to pour water into her mouth and help her sit on the sofa, she pushed me away and started yelling that I am her burden, there is no man will accept a woman who had given birth already. I remain silent, I was afraid that if I said something wrong. I let her sit on the bed, then I locked all the doors and windows, hide all the sharp weapons such as knives and scissors in the kitchen. “I want to die, can I? ”my mother asked me the most difficult question in my life. I saw her pain, I don’t know if death is a relief to her. Maybe she wants me to answer “yes” and agree with her so that she can end her life without any guilty. Or maybe she wants me to answer “No” so that she could feel her existence. We cannot choose our birth, but we can definitely choose when to end our life. I don’t know how to reply, nor should I answer because I am not qualified to make decision for others, especially she is the one who brought me to this world. This is the most memorable things I have been through in my teenager life. It always gives a sense of mission to talking about the issue on mental health, I believe there are many people suffering pain and I hope to share my story to let others caregiver know that they are not alone. However, if I only write on a single topic, it cannot completely represent my life in the past 22 years, so that I decided to write some memorable moments, some illusions and attachments to the past to enrich the content of the book, like the acknowledge of myself, my childhood with my grandparents, my relationship and the illusion on love etc.