Goji berry leaves have also found early usage as brewed tea and the plants flowers for decorative purposes. This plant and its fruit is known by many names. It may also be referred to as Western snowberry, barbary matrimony vine, mede berry, red medlar, bocksdorn and, Duke of Argylls tea tree. But actually, Goji berry has long been in use in Asian cultures, particularly in China wherein the government is said to be painstakingly certifying those farmers who grow organic Goji berry. In scientific nomenclature, Goji berry comes in simpler, with only two closely related species, Lycium barbarum and L. Although this plant could be found in southeastern Europe and Asia, the Goji berry which health food manufacturers are those of Himalayan or Tibetan origins, perhaps to build up an image for a newly found and exotic plant that would help titillate the imagination of consumers. Among these benefits that marketers flaunt include the prevention of cancer, based on the assertion that Goji berry has anti oxidant properties. Hundreds of hectares are devoted to Goji berry plantations, particularly in Ningxia where the harvested fruits are considered premium throughout Asia and called red diamonds in the market. In addition are other health benefit claims such as providing relief to menstrual pains, enhancing hepatitis treatment and reduction of cholesterol levels, which should make Goji berry one exciting cure all health food product. Farmers, on the other hand, covet a Green Certificate from the Chinese government as such a certification would indicate that they have an organic Goji berry plantation whose produce are in demand by health food manufacturers and marketers.Health food supplement manufacturers in recent years have found in Goji berry as a new anchor by which to promote their enterprising bent. Ancient chronicles of Chinese herbal medicine have cited this plant among natural remedies. In India, it is called murali. In China, it is known as wolfberry. In the health food supplement market, organic Goji berry products are supposedly better at providing benefits to body functions. In fact, the plant has been introduced as an Spotlight Company Manufacturers ornamental into the United Kingdom by Duke Archibald Campbell of Argyll during the 1730s, and thus earning the name Duke of Argylls tea tree. In itself, the Goji berry is one impressive plant to look at, especially with its fruits ripe. The wolfberries or Goji berries used by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are sourced exclusively from Ningxia as they consider such produce as superior or of therapeutic grade. For over 600 years, the fertile floodplains of the Yellow River have been reserved to its cultivation. chinense. Likewise offered as health food selling points are Goji berrys contribution to weight loss, benefits to liver protection, boosting fertility and sexual function, as well as strengthening the bodys immune system. In China, however, Goji berry isnt just for the birds. Its small berries become red and shiny when ripened, and if still flowering sports cone shaped, light violet flowers. Today, the plant still flourishes, especially in coastal districts, used as hedging vegetation whose red fruits attract a wide variety of birds.