上一篇就帶大家去左長洲北帝廟,今次SPD4459 島俠就會帶大家去埋長洲西灣天后廟。 Last time we have take you to the Cheung Chau Pak Tai Temple. In this time SPD4459 Islands Lover will bring you to the Tin Hau Temple in Cheung Chau Sai Wan. 西灣天后廟建立於1774年,位於西灣友堂路。背山面海,又有綠林圍繞,景色非常優美。 Inside this temple, you’ll find a bronze bell dating back to the Qianlong era (1736–1796), while a small pavilion behind the temple provides a good vantage point for the picturesque beach that lies below. 快D入黎望下最後一篇關於長洲既文章啦! http://spd4459island2014.blogspot.hk/