男人嘅 浪漫?豆腐火腩飯!?島俠(SPD4459)就話係「踢波唔食飯喇!」 離島生活純樸,沒有像市區般多姿多采,但離島的居民仍會樂在其中。 除了到士多喝酒消遣外,運動就是他們最大的娛樂活動。 What is romance for men? Braised Tofu with Roast Pork and rice? Islands lover (SPD4459) would say: " Boy in Cheung Chau prefer to play football rather than have a dinner" The lifestyle of Island is simple. It is not as colorful as the urban areas. But most of the residents of the islands still very enjoy their life. Apart form drinking beer at a store, the sports activity is their major entertainment. 想睇更多既內容, click入去望下啦! http://spd4459island2014.blogspot.hk/