長洲街坊會主要分為南社和北社,SPD4459 島俠就為大家講下長洲北社街坊會。舊時,北社街坊會是一個工餘後聯誼的好地方,同時負責著區內的治安。因為當時海盜入侵,警方沒有足夠的警力。街坊會的成員自動組成防衛隊來保護自己的財物。 Cheung Chau KaiFong Association can be divided into Southern and Northern, SPD4459 Island Lover introduces Cheung Chau Northern KaiFong Association to you. Former, Cheung Chau Northern KaiFong Association is a good place for togethering after working. It was also responsible for the security in Cheung Chau, due to intrusion of pirates. Neighbourhood formed a team of guards to protect their life and wealth. 想知更加多資料,快D CLICK 入黎望下啦! http://spd4459island2014.blogspot.hk/