我相信大家經過了之前SPD4459多篇的文章介紹後,對長洲已經有一定的認識。而且很多遊客也因此慕名而來,所以我們SPD4459就對長洲一些比較著名的特色景物先不多作介紹。在長洲的夜晚,一些在日間做生意的士多鋪頭,會搖身一變成為蘭桂坊裏的酒吧。這時候會有很多年輕人便會聚集在這些酒吧的店外,坐下來與友人分享一下生活中的趣事。 I believe that the readers who have watched our blog a long time, you should know deeply about the Cheung Chau and go to Cheung Chau for some famous attractions. According to these reasons, let us introduce the other attrachions of Cheung Chau night. At night, Many convenient stores will change to bars which in Lan Kwai Fong. At this moment, a lot of teenagers will come around here and sit down outside the bars, they are enjoying sharing the interesting of daily life with their friends or family. 士多酒吧你又去過未? http://spd4459island2014.blogspot.hk/