SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 唇膏分享 Tom Ford lipstick review ◆ GlamorousK 繼前篇SPD4290 Tom Ford Boy(Ft.Nars)分享的Tom Ford後,今天會再介紹一下同系列的另一枝唇膏 (#40 Leonardo)。個人而言很喜歡這枝唇膏,它的滋潤度很高,但是因爲它不太適合日常用,所以在特別日子用會令人眼前一亮。那不多說,先看一下試色圖,後講感受! In early, we've shared SPD4290 Tom Ford Boy(Ft.Nars). Today, I’m going to talk about another one from the same collection (#40 Leonardo). The colour of Tom Ford lipsticks is really attractive and so much fun. Personally, I like this colour but not wear that much, it is not suitable for daily, and it is a moisturise lipsticks. So, let’s see the swatches, then I’ll give my opinion of these products. Tom Ford Lips & Boy 色號 #40 Leonardo swatches: Link to purchase #40 Leonardo: 這枝是我買的第一枝Tom Ford的唇膏,一開始就是被它的名字和顏色吸引。它的滋潤度挺不錯的,就算是在嘴上幾個小時後也不會覺得得乾/ 不舒服。而且小小的一枝,不會很浪費,但是有一點難塗,因為它有點難描繪唇形。也比較適合特別的妝容。塗在嘴上真的會眼前一亮。 This is the first lipstick that I bought from Tom Ford Beauty. It is a moisture lipstick, it won’t be dry after few hours of application. In my opinion, it is difficult for me to use it daily, but it is a good choice for the special day. It looks so good on lip. 那這一次的分享就到此為止,謝謝您的收看!可以的話關注我們SPD4290 (GlamorousK beauty) 的Instagram,知道更多我們的消息。 That's all for today, thank you for your attention. If you want to know the latest information about us, please follow SPD4290 (GlamorousK beauty) on Instagram. Xoxo See more: http://gkbeauty.home.blog ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️