❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 Colourpop Eyeshadow ◆ GlamorousK Colourpop - Super Shock Shadow & Pressed Powder Shadow # DGAF, # Come and Get It Hi! 今次分享的是美國開價品牌Colourpop,質素高而且便宜,款式也特別多,下一個博文會詳細介紹一下SSS (Super Shock Shadow),今次會介紹一下Pressed Powder Shadow,那先看一下試色圖再分享! Hi! Today, I’m going to talk about the presses powder shadow from Colourpop which located in USA, their products are high quality and low price. Tomorrow, we will talk about their best sell products - Super Shock Shadow. Let’s see the swatches first, and my opinion about this product. swatches: 於太陽光下拍的 Under the sunlight # DGAF #DGAF: 無論是單用還是配合其他眼影來用都非常的美。第一次看到的時候,覺得只是一個平平庸庸的閃粉眼影。可是,當我用手指沾上再塗上眼窩時,好像遇見真命天女。它用手塗可以很實色,但暈開來也可以很自然,所以這個顏色真的是一生推!淡淡的銅啡色,加上細緻的金粉,真的很推薦買這隻,來日常用或是對喜歡用大地色的朋友,某天想有一點不同也可以用Colourpop的DGAF。 My fisrt impression of this eyeshadow, was like: hmmmmmm... a normal eyeshadow, nothing special. But after I applied on my eyelid, it just blown my mind. This is one of my favourite Colourpop super shock eyeshadow. It’s gorgeous and because it is a medium-toned rusty brown topped with multi-dimensional gold glitter. I recommend it for those who love using natural tone eyeshadow when you want something special on eyes, or daily use as it is easy to blend # Come and Get It #Come and Get it: MAC人魚姬的代替色,因為非常淺色所以要塗兩層才有上圖的效果。但是,它真的非常有少女感!MAX!!!單用感覺比較奇怪和單調,若作為打亮色,效果相得益彰。粉狀眼影其中一樣缺點是,一旦出油,便會有一條明顯的線出現在眼簾。可是從顏色而言,這個顏色絕對要收藏在化妝包中。 It is very similar with the well-known #rose pigment from M.A.C, with duochrome rose with a gold flip on the Colourpop one. It looks stunning on eyes and it worth the price. However, the only problem with this product is that, if you don’t apply primer before it, it will crease. 那這一次的分享就到此為止,謝謝您的收看!可以的話關注我們SPD4290 GlamorousK beauty的Instagram,知道更多我們的消息。 That's all for today, thank you for your attention. If you want to know the latest information about us, please follow SPD4290 GlamorousK beauty on Instagram. Xoxo ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️ SPD4290 GlamorousK ❤️