份量Serving : 3 人PPL烹調時間 cooking time : 20分鐘 min 成份ingredients :250g 三文魚邊角 Salmon Left over2 隻(ea) 雞蛋 Egg3 碗 (bowls) 冷飯 leftover rice 100g 蒿筍 Celtuce 少量QS 黑胡椒粒 Black Pepper corn少量QS 生抽 light soy sauce少量QS 鹽salt .方法 method :1. 蒿筍去皮,切粒狀。加鹽醃3分鐘。再沖洗蒿筍中的鹽份。開細火,爆炒蒿筍至乾身。Peel the skin of the celtuce. Cut it into cubes. Add salt and marinate for 3 minutes. Wash the salted celtuce. Stir-fry it over low heat until dry. .2. 三文魚去鱗,去皮。沖水,用紙巾吸乾水份。加小量油,開中大火。炒三文魚肉至鬆散。加入黑胡椒粒。拿起魚肉,留魚油在鑊中備用。Remove the Salmon scale and skin. Wash it. Remove the water with a paper towel. Add oil and sauté the salmon over medium-high heat until the fish is loose. Add some black peppercorns for flavour. Take the fish out first. And keep the fish oil for later use. .3. 雞蛋加生抽、鹽攪勻至起泡。倒入飯中撈勻。Add light soy sauce and salt to the eggs and whip them until frothy. Pour the egg into the rice and mix well. .4. 開中火,炒雞蛋汁飯。飯由團狀炒成散開粒粒狀。加入蒿筍、三文魚鬆、少許生抽,炒勻。Turn to Med heat. Pour the rice with egg in. Fry it until the rice is spread out into grainsAdd the celtuce salmon and light soy sauce. Cook until all is mixed well. .完成finish