適宜人群 : 一般人群均可食用Suitable for the crowd: the general population can eat不宜服食 :體質虛寒、女性在月經期間、進食過多會引起氣喘Those who should not take it:Deficiency of the constitution, during women's menstruation, eating too much can cause asthma材料 Ingredients : 240g 魚腥草 Herba Houttuyniae3 個 (ea) 紅/青蘋果 Red or green apples269g 豬肉眼 Pork Rib1/3片 (pc) 陳皮 Tangerine2250 ml 清水 water 1. 沖洗魚腥草,至鬚根沖走。 (大約共7次) 折斷成段狀。Wash the Herba Houttuynia until the fibrous roots are away (wash about 7 times). Then Break it into segments 2. 豬肉眼汆水。boiled the Pork eye until the dirt out 3. 用鹽清洗紅/青蘋果,去核,一開4份。用清水浸泡。Wash the red/green apples with salt. Remove the seeds and cut it into 4 parts. Soak the sliced apples in water. 4. 2250 ml清水沸騰後,轉大火,放入豬肉煲5分鐘。Boil the 2250ml water. Then turn to high heat, and put the pork in. Cook it for 5 minutes 5. 5分鐘後,轉中火,放入紅青蘋果。Turn to med heat after 5 minutes. Put the sliced red/green apples in the boiling water. 6. 40分鐘後加入魚腥草,轉小火。After 40 minutes, add Herba Houttuyniae. Turn to low heat 7. 再煮10分鐘後關火Turn off the fire after 10 minutes of cooking step 6. 完成Finish#Small_House_Cooking #蝸煮 #recipes #食譜 #菜譜 #阿媽湯水 #保健食譜 #保健湯食譜 #湯水食譜 #中式湯水食譜 #中湯食譜 #mumsoup #魚腥草湯 #魚腥草 #清熱解毒 #止咳 #化痰 #煙酒人仕#Herba_Houttuyniae