份量 Serving : 5 人Ppl烹調時間 Cooking time : 30分鐘min份量 Serving : 5 人Ppl烹調時間 Cooking time : 30分鐘min.功效 :清肺热、清肺燥 、清熱潤肺、化痰止咳、止喉嚨乾痛、止失聲、滑腸、通便。Efficacy :Clear lung heat and dryness, clear heat and moisten lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough, moisten throat, and constipation, and prevent voice loss. 因性質寒涼, 以下人士要留意 :體質寒性、腹瀉、大便稀溏、懷孕初期、授乳期間Due to the cold nature, the following people should pay attention:Cold constitution, diarrhea, loose stools, early pregnancy, during lactation.材料 Ingredients : 30g 龍脷葉Dragons Tongue Leaf (Folium Sauropi )半個 (half) 特大羅漢果 Extra large Lohanguo Siraitia Fruit1/3 pc 陳皮tangerine 2170ml 清水water .1. 特大羅漢果先分開2份。半個扭塊狀,留核。Cut the Lohanguo Siraitia Fruit into half. Twist into pcs and keep the seeds. .2. 放入羅漢果、龍脷葉、陳皮在2170ml清水中。開大火。Add in the Grosvenor Momordica Fruit, Leaf of Dragons Tongue, tangerine into 2170ml water. Turn to high heart. .3. 沸騰後,轉中小火。Turn into med heat after boiling. .4. 煮45分鐘後,可關火。Cook for 45mins. Then Turn off the fire. 完成Finish#Small_House_Cooking #蝸煮 #recipes #食譜 #菜譜 #阿媽湯水 #保健食譜 #保健湯食譜 #湯水食譜 #中式湯水食譜 #中湯食譜 #mumsoup #龍脷葉 #羅漢果 #化氣 #潤肺 #清熱 #herbdrink #Dragons_Tongue_Leaf #Lohanguo_Siraitia_Fruit #清熱潤肺 #化痰止咳 #純素飲 #vegan #純素 #素飲 #Vegan_drink