The real estate services company Foro Consultores covers various business areas.From residential housing with the management and marketing of real estate assets to investment opportunities in land and the preparation of market studies in all segments of the sector.Born in 1997, the company currently has branches in almost all of Spain : Centro (Madrid), Andalucía Andalucía (Málaga), Occidental (Sevilla), Levante (Valencia), Cataluña (Barcelona) and Galicia (Vigo).In recent months, the promotion of new housing has returned to occupy a central role in its operations. We spoke with Luis Corral, co-founder and co-owner, along with Carlos Smerdou of Foro Consultores and CEO of the company, about the prospects for this business branch. fotocasa: What has been, from your point of view, the evolution of the promotion of new housing in recent months?Luis Corral: . We are at a time of market consolidation in the great squares, highlighting Madrid and Barcelona . Meanwhile, it begins to wake up in the rest of the territory, although it depends on the demand.fotocasa: What role are financial entities having in these new promotions?Luis Corral: The business of promoting new construction depends on financing. In fact, it has a fundamental role. Right now, financial institutions are taking a more prudent approach. This is the reason why they are making risk assessments throughout the process to avoid unforeseen situations already experienced; risk assessments focused on the developer, builder and buyer.Blue world city is one of the best housing located in Islamabad also known as Blue world city Islamabad marketed by Skymarketing. The award of the loan is subject and conditioned by pre-sales, although it is true that the percentage requested by financial institutions begins to drop. In times of crisis for cooperatives, they asked for 100% of presales and for promoters 50%. Now these percentages are decreasing, but that need continues to exist.There is another point that is also changing: when the market resurfaced, only loans were given to construction, now they are also given for the acquisition of land , although cautiously. They are containment elements. In any case, it would be advisable not to cross the past lines and avoid mistakes. We must achieve a healthy market where not everything goes.fotocasa: Has this evolution been the same in all regions? Which cities and areas are experiencing the strongest growth? Do you focus on residences as a first home or also as a second home in tourist areas?Luis Corral: It has not been the same. In fact, we live in a real estate market at two speeds. In Madrid, Barcelona and the Costa del Sol we can talk about the recovery of the sector . Other large capitals join these areas, but in the rest of Spain it is going very slowly or the recovery has not even started . Furthermore, this crisis has shown that new housing is not needed everywhere. We must see the evolution of the population and the demographic trend of each area.The resurgence has occurred in first residence in cities where there is demand and throws the economy, but also in second residence as is the case of the Costa del Sol due to international demand. The forecast is that in the cities that are more active right now, this trend continues and, in the rest, it will be a gradual evolution as there is demand.fotocasa: In Foro Consultores you are also dedicated to the intermediation in ground operations. Where is this area of the market currently and how do you think it will behave in the coming months?Luis Corral: This is a very important point. The land market goes hand in hand with promotion and in areas where there is a lot of pressure on housing demand, that pressure is also directed at raw materials. Added to this is a problem: there are municipalities where the availability of land is scarce but they have a significant demand.This occurs because the soil, to become a finalist, needs time to be “cooked” and it has not been done. What happened? During the crisis, private initiative and administrations have been stopped and we have lost eight years of manufacturing of land that is now causing shortages and inflation in prices. And those increases in the end will affect buyers. The qnnit have also not streamlined the urban plans and even, in some cases, have paralyzed them. It takes at least five or six years to have soil prepared. It so happens that there are areas that have been waiting for nearly 20 years.fotocasa: Before the auguries of some analysts who foresee a future real estate bubble, what is your opinion? Do you need any mechanism to avoid a new crisis in the future? Luis Corral: From the point of view of housing production, we still have low figures, far from the needs in some areas. But from the point of view of prices, in places with demand, prices have already recovered. A clear example is Madrid. This leads us to think that, if this trend continues, we could lead the buyer to a point of insolvency that does not allow him to acquire the home due to lack of income and because he does not get the mortgage.Overall, I would say that large accounts are not strained, but you have to be cautious and not make the same mistakes. That is why it is necessary and advisable to contain financial entities when giving loans, with risk control in land financing, promotion and the buyer.