We tell you all the tricks of the classic reborn ID Software so that you easily kill all demons. Writing ·9/19/2018 You may also like: Complete guide to Doom The DOOM released in 2016 has, on its PC version, how could it be otherwise, a series of tricks and console commands that greatly alter the gaming experience. Although it does not have as many as other titles, we do have the classic God mode and others much more interesting. CHEATS FOR DOOM MULTIPLAYER (2016) Cheats and console commands are not available for DOOM multiplayer , as this would greatly alter the gaming experience. We recommend that you avoid using any kind of trick, external file, mod or suspicious exploit in your multiplayer games. The use of cheats and abuse of exploits in order to alter (either negatively or positively) the personal gaming experience or that of other players may incur temporary or permanent penalties. That is, you can be expelled from the game without prior notice. How to open the command console As always, the first thing is to know how to open the command console . In this case, according to various sources, we have two possibilities . Use ~ (ALT GR + 4) If the above doesn't work, CTRL + ALT + 4 Remember that tricks that activate something , such as God Mode, are disabled when you re-enter the command . CHEATS FOR DOOM STORY MODE (2016) You should note, first of all, that the cheats disable Steam achievements and that some of them have been disabled via updates . The only trick that can officially be confirmed to still work is the one that enables God Mode. iddqd: Activate God Mode. Beware: activating it in Nightmare Mode will cause your health to drop. God: alternative command to activate God Mode. For those curious as to why:iddqd was the original God Mode command for previous DOOMs. iddt:shows you all the objects, secrets and unexplored areas on the map. ida:gives you all the costumes and modifiers. idfa -maximize your health, armor and ammo levels. idka -gives you all weapons and weapon modifiers. Weapon modifiers will be at the highest level. idkfa:activates the tricks of the ida, idfa, idka commands at the same time. idgk -Makes you only kill enemies with executions. Shooting can damage, but not kill. DOOM STEAM ACHIEVEMENTS Achievement Description E1M1 Complete the first mission of the campaign. Butcher Perform 200 executions. A gift from beyond Get a rune. Towards the unknown Inflection point Upgrade a rune. Tear and tear Execute all types of common enemies in the campaign. Fiddling Fully upgrade a category of the Praetor costume. An old friend Shoot until I die Argent Overload Fully upgrade health, armor, or ammo capacity. What are you more? I do not care. Specialist Master a weapon modification. Demanding customer Complete all the challenges of a mission. Who goes now With dead to the neck Complete the campaign in "I don't want to die", "Do me harm", "Ultraviolence" or "Nightmare". Cheering up the show Kill 150 enemies while using power-ups. A good boom on time Use explosive drums to kill 100 enemies. IPXSETUP.EXE Win a multiplayer game. Close and personal Kill 50 enemies with the chainsaw. Battle in Doom bouts Reach level 5 in multiplayer. Hot replacement Obtain all weapon modifications. Demon of Argent Fully upgrade health, armor, and ammo capabilities in a single campaign. There will be no peace for the living Play 5 published SnapMaps. Butt tuning Fully upgrade all Praetorian Costume categories in a single campaign. Even in the last corner Find all the collectibles. The circle is complete Get all the runes. Historian Find all data records. Bordering on madness Complete "La UAC" in Ultra Nightmare. That is all? Complete all mission challenges in a single campaign. Recreational warehouse Collect 20 extra lives or relics in Arcade mode. IDKFA Master all weapon modifications. IDDQD Upgrade all runes. Shareware Create a SnapMap and publish it. Entry Complete the SnapMap Basic and Advanced Tutorials. A memorable performance Get a gold rating in a multiplayer game. Threat estimation Detect 20 enemies using Pulse Anti-Threat in Multiplayer. Fashion fanatic Play a multiplayer match with an equipped evil sectarian armor piece. On the right track Complete a follow-up challenge in a multiplayer match. Go for the gold Get a gold rating in Arcade mode. Spaces of success Unlock all multiplayer runes. Successful launch Kill 10 enemies with the multiplayer grenade launcher. Take vitamins Kill 10 enemies with the Cacodemon in multiplayer. Looking for gutters Get a multiple kill with the Specter Demon in multiplayer. Head Kill 10 enemies with the spectrum in multiplayer. Salt in the wound Play a taunt from Expansion 3 in a multiplayer game. Soften the harvest Kill 10 enemies with the Harvesting Demon in multiplayer. Marked to die Kill 10 enemies with the EMG Mark V pistol in multiplayer. Action in the explosion Kill 5 enemies with multiplayer kinetic mine. Fair duck Play a taunt from Expansion 1 in a multiplayer game. Harvest harvest Kill 10 enemies with the reaper in multiplayer. As if nobody saw you Play a tease from Expansion 2 in a multiplayer game. Computing in style Play a multiplayer game with a portion of the robotic armor equipped. Beauty is pain Play a multiplayer game with a cyber demon armor piece equipped. Fill the award showcase Win a medal of each type in Arcade mode in one attempt. mytopcompares crushed ice maker