Hi everyone! My name is Sky Chu. I am a 21 years old boy and love playing sports.I am studying Sports Recreation Management in THEi. When I was young, my mum had already found that I got talent on Sports. Hence, my family tried to give me chance to join and learn many different kinds of sports such as basketball, running, swimming and football. Then, Sports were apart of my life. I was confused when I chose which subject did I study in university. At the end, I chose sports and did not regret to choose this road. Why I will study Sports on university? It is because a teacher who called Lee Ki. He is a famous basketball player in Hong Kong and he is also my idol and a teacher change my life. He said" If you have chance, you should try your best to finish what you want to do". He shared a lot of his experience to me and he told me that do not give up what you really love and want to do. Then, I chose this road which it is suitable for me. I hope that I can be like him which tries the best to promote the basketball and use the sports to change other's life. Last year, it is the worst year for me. It is because I got a big injury which is ACL injury. I played hard and worked hard for preparing myself to wait for the chance. However, the injury stopped everything. It really make me felt very disappointed but I did not give up to fight for the dream. It is because I have many friends who encouraged me to stand up again. Now, I get back from the injury and try me best to play hard again on the court. I also learn that I need to protect myself because I can't do anything if I do not have a healthy body. At the end, I will happy to tell you that I love playing sports. It is because sports change my life and be apart of my life."Failure is only apart of Success".