老包對我說:“這是不可能任務!” 我不信,所以我花了三個月來實行這趟不可能旅程, 用500塊紐幣(大概$3400港幣) 食、宿、交通玩遍紐西蘭南島,平均一個月花$1100港幣。沿路出發, 我把窮遊五招發揮得淋漓盡致。我攔了三十九台便車、 打開帳篷亂睡樹叢九次、食宿交換三次、 沙發衝浪兩次、用麵粉烤一堆muffins吃了無數天的早午晚三餐,或是活用pizza味洋芋片夾吐司。我比起住backpacker, 坐廉價巴士的背包客,省了至少五倍的錢,卻又意想不到地得到至少多於五倍的快樂。我是最窮但最快樂的背包客。 港旅兩年間跑了17國,但我不是富二代。我從來不用父母辛苦掙來的錢去旅行。沒有錢時我就跑去窮遊做志工申請sponsor打工。沒人相信在買一罐可樂要廿塊港幣,吃一個漢堡包要上百塊港幣的昂貴國度,可以如此省的待上三個月。很多事情就看你的決心,沒有事情是不可能的。當你下定決心做一些事情,全世界都會跑來幫你。我說,窮遊無極限,飛吧我的天馬行空!於是我又擁有了這塊版圖的專屬回憶。 攝於Muchson, NZ (March, 2014) <Poor backpacker collection in Newzealand: $500 NZ dollars for food, accomodation, and traffic in three months> An expert backpacker said to me, ‘that’s impossible!’ ‘NOTHING is impossible.’ I said flatly. Then i started my ridicious trip. I spended three months to put into practise rather than yell it loud. I had my super tight budget $500 NZ dollars to travel Newzealand for three months. I got 39 free rides, slept in the tent besides the road for 9 times, wwoofing for food and accomodation for 3 times, couchsurfing for 2 times, cooked with my mysterious flour skill, or chips with toast (classic!). I made it happened finally. Without doubt, I was the most poor but the most happiest backpacker in NZ. I have been to 16 countries within this two years, but i was not born in a rich family. I never ask for money to my travelling trip, NEVER. Actually that’s nothing related to travel and how weathy you are. If you determine to get something, sooner or later you will reach it. Same as travel.