養狗絕對不容易!新手毛媽毛爸要多做功課來了解狗狗,不然毛孩很容易會生病的。那麼你首先要了解的是,哪些東西狗狗不能吃的呢? 好好注意才能讓可愛的狗狗健康的成長~~ 【第一位】 巧克力、咖啡及濃茶 (致命) 這類食物中含有可可鹼、咖啡因、茶鹼等成份,對狗狗來講,是絕對有害的食物。服用的話,會使狗狗腦中血流量減少,直接損害它們的心臟和中樞神經系統,危害狗狗的健康,甚至會導致死亡。 【第二位】 菇類食品(致命) 別以為菇類食品有益腸肚的健康,對狗狗來說,可不是這樣的一回事!菇類食品內含有毒素,人類的消化系統能夠排出毒素,但狗狗卻不能。 一旦食用,可能會影響其體內多個系統,甚至導致休克,或者死亡。 【第三位】 葡萄/葡萄乾(致命) 根據美國獸醫學會及美國愛護動物協會的動物毒物控制中心的研究指出,葡萄和葡萄乾會導致腎毒性(腎衰竭)的產生,若不妥善治療的話,有可能會造成死亡。另外,葡萄籽萃取物則沒有任何問題,市面上犬隻專用的營養補充品亦有添加其中。 【第四位】洋蔥/大蒜(危險) 由於洋蔥中含有二硫化物的成分,狗狗一旦食用,會造成紅血球氧化,無法提供所需的氧氣,對狗狗生命造成危險。 【第五位】未經煮熟的生肉(危險) 生肉裡面存在的大量的寄生蟲和細菌,會對狗狗的健康造成威脅。所以如果要餵飼肉類,至少要把肉煮至八成熟,才可以供狗狗食用。 It's never easy to have a dog! New mom and dad need to do more homework to understand the dog, or the child will easily get sick. So the first thing you need to know is, what can't dogs eat? Pay extra attention to that and let the lovely doggies grow healthy ~ ~ No.1 Chocolate, coffee and strong tea (fatal) These contain theobromine, caffeine, theophylline, etc., which is definitely bad for dogs. When taken, it can reduce blood flow to the dog's brain, directly damage their heart and central nervous system, harm their health, and even lead to death. No.2 mushroom food (fatal) Don't think that mushroom food is good for your gut. Toxins are found in food and are often found in mushrooms. The human digestive system excretes them, but not in dogs. Once eaten, it can affect multiple systems in the body, leading to shock or death. No.3 Grapes/raisins (fatal) Grapes and raisins can cause kidney toxicity (kidney failure) and lead to death if not treated properly, according to research by the American Veterinary Medical Association and American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). In addition, there is no problem with grape seed extract, which also contains in the product of supplements for dogs. No.4 Onions/garlic (dangerous) Owing to onions contain disulfide, once eaten by dogs, can cause red blood cells to oxidize, unable to provide the oxygen needed, posing a risk to the dog's life. No.5 Uncooked raw meat (dangerous) Raw meat is high in parasites and bacteria, which can pose a health risk to dogs. So if you're going to feed meat, at least cook it until it's about 80 percent cooked before you feed it to your dog. Please check for our latest update : Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhRo4bHIa6/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=o116j9831bkc Twitter: https://twitter.com/sharedpet Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sharedpets/