香港人鐘意去旅行,啊仔點算!大project要做,無間照顧啊女。怎麽辦!不用擔心! 由共享經濟概念所衍生的「共享寵物」服務可以為你解決你的煩惱。現有不少網上平台為狗主尋找適合的寄養地方丶溜狗之人,令你無後顧之憂去衝刺你的事業或與你的至愛去亨受假期!等我為大家介紹一下「共享寵物」的服務啦! Reference : 1) 寵物的Airbnb DogVacay - 用家可以登記個人資料於應用程式上,便可搜尋到最近及願意提供暫時託管服務的狗保姆,方便狗主外遊時使用。 Reference: 2) 寵物Uber Wag-用家任何時間,任何地點,狗主於應用程式上提出要求後,便能通知最近及合資格的遛狗者,即時提供遛狗服務,尤如召唤Uber一樣,快捷方便。 ; 3) 出租寵物 BorrowMyDoggy-想養狗但唔知自己能唔能夠勝任嘅朋友仔可以利用此平台,使狗主及租狗者雙方,更快捷地,更合心意地配對出出租的寵物。 People in Hong Kong are leading a hectic schedule, most of them are preoccupied with their works, academics and social lives. Striking a balance between their busy schedules and their time to spend with their pets has been something that bothers the pet owners. Some of them would love to spend their time taking care of their pets or love to enjoy the time staying with them but sometimes they have no way but have to give up their time with their pets due to their busy schedule. The advent of the "SharedPet" idea can somehow help the busy pet owners to deal with the things that bothered them most! "Shared Pet " is an idea that derived from the concept of sharing economy which provides a platform for pet lovers to match with the service providers. Let's start our "sharedpet" journey by introducing several shared pet service! "Pet Airbnb" DogVacay- Local start-ups in the United States have set up a network of dog owners and nannies, allowing dog owners to leave their pets in the care of a babysitter when they are travelling or busy. "Pet Uber" Wag- An online platform that provides real-time dog walking for busy dog owners: after receiving a request from the dog owner, the software notifies the nearby pre-scanned dog walker that he can take the dog for a walk in real time as long as they are free, and the whole process is like calling Uber. BorrowMyDoggy An online pet rental platform which the dog owner can rent their doggies to other users and receive money in return. The platform aims to provide a prior pet-keeping experience to the potential pet owners who are planning to adopt pets. Please check for our latest update : Instagram : Twitter : Facebook: