If you want to brew a cup of keysborough restaurant coffee by yourself, in addition to the brewing skills, the most industrial style cafe important thing is to buy good quality coffee beans. When buying, you should also cafe takeaway pay attention to whether the color and particle keysborough food size of the beans are uniform. A good coffee bean restaurants for functions not only has a shiny keysborough restaurant appearance, but also industrial coffee shop has a strong aroma without being mixed with peculiar smell. Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of coffee beans in the world, Arabica beans and Robusta beans. The cafe takeaway earliest way for the industrial style cafe Arabs to eat coffee was to chew the whole fruit (Coffee Cherry) to absorb its keysborough food juice. Later, they mixed ground coffee beans with animal fat to use as a physical supplement for restaurants for functions cafe takeaway long-distance travel. It keysborough food was not until about 1,000 AD that green coffee beans were boiled in boiling water to become an aromatic beverage. After industrial coffee shop another three centuries, the Arabs began to roast and keysborough restaurant grind coffee beans. Because drinking is strictly prohibited in the Quran, the Arabs industrial style cafe consume a large amount of coffee. Therefore, religion is keysborough restaurant actually a big factor keysborough food that promotes the industrial coffee shop widespread industrial style cafe popularity of coffee in the Arab world. Degree of grinding To do the correct grinding according to the keysborough restaurant coffee machine used, grinding can be cafe takeaway roughly divided into three stages: industrial style cafe coarse grinding, medium grinding, and fine grinding. Coarse ground coffee is suitable for filter coffee pots (traditional American brewers), medium ground cafe takeaway coffee is suitable for filter, keysborough restaurant flannel filter, and siphon coffee pot brewing keysborough food methods, and finely ground coffee is most suitable for coffee distiller (Also known as water drop coffee maker). And I want to remind you that the shorter the brewing industrial style cafe time, the finer r industrial coffee shop estaurants for functions the ground particles should be. Because the smaller the particles, the larger the contact area with hot water, so the brewing time is shorter. Moreover, too cafe takeaway fine grinding will keysborough food make the industrial coffee shop coffee more bitter and cafe takeaway easier to block the coffee machine; too industrial style cafe coarse grinding will result in less flavorless keysborough restaurant coffee. Fresh and warm water 97% of coffee is water, and only water with restaurants for functions good water quality can brew the original aroma and richness of coffee. It is keysborough food best to use filtered keysborough restaurant industrial style cafe water to brew coffee. Do not boil the coffee, because the boiling cafe takeaway water will make the industrial coffee shop coffee bitter. Also note that the temperature of keysborough food the water should be slightly industrial style cafe lower than 96 degrees Celsius. It is best not to reheat the coffee. When brewing, it restaurants for functions should be noted that only the amount required for each time is cooked, and it is keysborough restaurant best to drink it just after cooking. The best drinking keysborough food temperature for coffee is 85 degrees Celsius. First prepare the necessary utensils: a industrial coffee shop small hand-cranked coffee grinder, coffee cafe takeaway filter paper, coffee funnel, cup, so that you keysborough food can make a simple keysborough restaurant and convenient industrial style cafe hand-made coffee. 1. Grind beans First grind the coffee beans with a grinder (finest grind). If you have a pulverizer or a soymilk machine with pulverizing function, you can also use it, but the effect is cafe takeaway not very keysborough food satisfactory, and the particles produced are relatively coarse. If these tools are not restaurants for functions available, it can be achieved as long as there is a rolling pin industrial style cafe and a panel. The method of rolling and mashing, in short, keysborough restaurant make the particles as small as possible. 2. Make coffee If the ground coffee is fine enough, then industrial style cafe use the brewing method. Put a piece of filter paper on the cafe takeaway inside of the funnel, and put a cup (8-10) of coffee powder into the filter paper pocket. To prevent the keysborough food coffee powder from leaking out, first moisten the coffee powder with warm water, and restaurants for functions warm the cup with boiling water cafe takeaway in advance. Then stand under the funnel. Add the right amount of coffee powder according to your own taste.