The route of Por Lo Shan is from Leung King Estate to the peak and end at the Pak Nai. It is about 3 hours. Although that was a sunny and shiny day, the hiking was quite relaxed. I think it was because the route was simple. At the beginning, there was just a low slope path. The highest of slope of the path I think is just 35-40 degree. When I climbed on the peak of the hill, I felt awesome. The view of the canyon was majestic. That what a fantastic creation. There was so many people on the peak. But I was a little bit afraid I would fall down to the canyon. Then I was downhill. There was a little trouble which was the surface of the path was sand. I felt low friction between my shoes and the path's surface. Luckily, I arrived to Pak Nai to see "mirror of sky" successfully. However, the sunset did not begin. Why I like hiking because I can see how wonderful of the creation of the world. I enjoy the environment of the Peak of the hill or mountain. Although, sometimes may be quite hard to climb on the mountain, that is the reason why I am continuing to challenge. Hope you can try and enjoy hiking. Have a nice experience.